Sunday, April 25, 2010

School Confidentiality Agreements

DUB 4 COMMUNITY - Report April 24 meeting Fusolab

neurologists and Coxs have joined forces to create an experiment: Philosophy for a session within a session with Community dub mix of the music of Neurologists.
E 'occurred for the first time Saturday, April 24 in the mental and physical space of the Creative Lab Fusolab (VG Pitacco 29 - Rome).
The setting included in the lower hall of Fusolab, 20 sedili bassi in circolo. Su uno di questi il fonico del collettivo musicale de I Neurologici, con davanti un piccolo tavolino da salotto con sopra il mixer, effetti e le varie macchine per suonare, eseguiva i missaggi dub delle tracce.

Su una parete della sala veniva proiettato il monitor del computer su cui girava il multitraccia, in questo caso Protools, utilizzato anche come lavagna luminosa per scrivere le domande della sessione filosofica.

Luce soffusa e un impianto audio di buona qualità dotato di subwoofer.

La Dub 4 Community è stata strutturata in questo modo:

- una breve introduzione di circa 5 minuti del facilitatore who explained the program activity. Above all, this introduction was intended to prepare the reflection on the music, taking into account the fact that it was just a pre-text for discussion. (In fact, usually using a written text, philosophical or literary). The intention was not to be interpret or comment on the music, but take inspiration from their emotional experience to formulate thoughts and ask questions, to which the entire research community could respond.
- listening to 3 tracks of dub mixed in real time. About 15 min. Music.
- about 15-20 minutes dedicated to questions that the participants posed to the community. As the applications were made, sometimes translated in the form of a question of participant observation, they were written on the projected screen, next to the name of the person who had formulated.
- about 30 to 40 minutes of group discussion, coordinated by the facilitator, whose purpose would be regular rounds of intervention and clarify confusing concepts, asking for further information.
- A discussion concluded, the facilitator summarized the topics discussed trying to find a common sense and administrative attention to summing up the positions reached with special appearance metacognitive experience.

Session No.1
Music in

Band website design

Qassam dub

Questions raised:

1. we are a declining living memories and we have an opportunity to build?

2. svuotare è un bene?

3. si può presumere un'oggettività dagli stimoli musicali?

4. c'è un modo di esprimersi migliore?

5. we miss the simple ways of communicating?

6. there are multiple defenses in verbal communication than in other forms? (Tiziana) 7

7. we can transform the movement into thought? (Alexander) 7

8. movement distracts the mind?

9. movement restrictions affect verbal communication?

10. what are our roots?

11. How can the community help us to rediscover the values \u200b\u200bof our tradition?

Discussion topic chosen:

"empty place that is our purpose, we can do with movement or thinking? "

The discussion obviously opposed those who believed this emptying (the mind of negative thoughts and insistent) a process entirely within the mind and those who emphasized how fondametale the role of the physical body as an alternative to consciousness. In listening to this music could be seen both as a physical activity (to be moved by vibration, dance, be saturated by the perception) and as an activity of thought, it sounds to play on his ideas, processes and alterations. Here a lot of reflection concerns the issue of verbal and nonverbal human communication with the obvious differences singular. Opiate use also of music, such as drugs evasive, and the ritual music (or at least as orgiastic releases) the tradition that has always expected as a cure, ritual, celebration or spell.

A note suggested that the effect of emptying dei pensieri non necessariamente doveva comportare l'eliminazione totale dei pensieri, ma anche una trasformazione, elaborazione degli stessi, verso una forma non dolorosa, e spiacevole.

Alla fine della discussione, un'osservazione sulle riflessioni fatte poneva l'accento sulla continuità negli anni delle questioni che assillano gli individui e che in gruppo vengono ricercate come soluzioni. Questa osservazione metacognitiva permetteva alla comunità di chiarire meglio le modalità di condivisione delle idee in questa attività filosofica e di sottolineare il ruolo di crescita ed elaborazione che, al di la dei contenuti, l'attività stessa permetteva.

Session No.2
Music in :
Radio GAP
Dub 02
New Resistance

1. As the images can distract from listening?

2. because the visual impact is stronger?

to these questions are answered with experience. We listened to a piece of music with closed eyes to see. Each of these has been able to respond to the questions above and was able to comment on the different perceptions had. In general it was clear that removing the visual perceptual channel, amplifies the other channels of perception. The session was discontinued due to bleeding of participants.

Session No.3
Music Downloads
Qassam dub
Stirpe Malata

1. is difficult to be with my eyes closed the music sharing?

2. the music is doping?

3. Why all this?

4. music leads to questions?

5. music from the answers?

6. music is an end or a tool against the thought?


music is an end or a tool against the thought?

After a brief comment, which expressed the satisfaction of participating in a music initiative that finally we took a time to listen in comfort and attention to the music together, as one might do in the privacy of your own home, they arrived to the debate itself.

Here two opposing factions claiming a record. For some, music is a border area, something preconscious which can not be translated into thought. So in a sense, music and thoughts do not meet, either as an end or as means. For others, especially in the intention of the person who makes music, music is born from a project, if only by an intention to play, from a will and a purpose of playing, so it should always be an instrument (such as implementation and expression ) of thought. The settlement proposal was to emphasize the role of its subject that produces or listens to music. If the produce, the music instrument, if the listener, this is an end. The search for a preconscious state of the non-verbal communication is the goal of making and listening to music.

Le tre sessioni, svolte nell'arco di 4 ore ci hanno lasciati molto soddisfatti anche per una conferma di coerenza nei temi suscitati nelle discussioni. Pur senza l'ambito racchiuso di un testo scritto, le riflessioni dei diversi partecipanti che si sono succeduti, ruotavano attorno ad alcuni temi costanti che cercavano risoluzione. Questo dava anche ai musicisti de I Neurologici la conferma di una struttura di significato coesa nei vari brani musicali.

Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno partecipato e il Fusolab che ha permesso lo svolgimento di una così piacevole serata.

Se qualcuno ricordasse qualcosa di omesso, avesse da aggiungere riflessioni o precisazioni, può do so in the comments or by sending an email cone additions to this text.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Desmume Kingdom Heart Problem

I: Saturday 24 - at the neurological Fusolab - In a dub session

Hello filisofe s
h or spoken with those of Fusolab (where we play for an aperitif the first 8.30 and 21) on April 24.
The idea is this: do the P4C session during the concert and music as a pre-text for discussion.
We have chairs in a circle. (A maximum number of participants: type 20) is one of the chairs in a circle of sound engineer who mixes the table.
The session should not be an attempt to explain music, but take a cue from music to tackle a topic that will be more by emotions than by ideas. (The music is instrumental)
We follow the pattern of P4C to decide the issue to be addressed and confronted him .. We can also do two sessions with different people and facilitated by two different people.
We are the only ones to play, we will settle it, he'll play live instruments and make a philosophical session during the concert (live dub mixing of 16 tracks).
from 19 appetizer.
5 min introduction
So music 15 min. , speaking 40 min ,
It cambiamno participants
5 min introduction
music 15 min. , speaking 40 min , conclusion, end.
appunrtamento them to Fusolab (by Giorgio Pitacco 29 - prenestina villa near Gordian) to 18 per us, to 18.30 for all other .
hello soon,

Friday, April 16, 2010

Template For Parental Report

philosophy 4-ON Stalker Roman Spring 2010 Meeting Report

walk next Sunday, April 25: City Trionfale

fellow citizens around the world ,

March 21, PrimaveraRomana will recover on their way to discover, share, and invent a different Rome. This year we will cross - with the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing, recognizing and "establishing" - those seven cities that have been the first port outside the city, the beginning of the exodus che da più di un secolo sta allontanando la cittadinanza dalla città storica ormai ridotta a simulacro di una millenaria convivenza.
Questo esodo lungo le principali vie consolari ha fatto nascere 7 città fuoriporta, già periferie degradate ed oggi uniche dimensioni propriamente urbane, luoghi di confronto e conflitto sociale, sopravvissuti al dissolversi della città. Sono gli spazi più vitali e ricchi di pratiche di cittadinanza, anche se pure qui la gran parte dei beni pubblici non costituiscono dei beni comuni ma sono piuttosto in abbandono o oggetto di speculazioni private. Qui sono tanti i beni da sottrarre alla speculazione e alla cecità amministrativa, scuole, ospedali, aree archeologiche, militari, industriali e ferroviarie, largely underutilized, abandoned or managed in a private law and speculative, with no consideration for the collective interest and the aspirations of citizenship. Commons to be taken care of, and rethink all gathering places such as political, social and cultural, according to "civic uses, once invented, practices founding of a new statute of cohabitation nell'Oltrecittà.




Osservatorio Nomade

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sms For First Baby Greeting

philosophical Coxs April 2 HAPPINESS '

On 2 April, for the evening Rockers!, A meeting was held horizontally with respect to the philosophical theme of "happiness" to csoa The Road to Rome.

has formed a group of about 40 components, in fact too many to discuss the best way, but heterogeneous for age, education and origin.
E 'was read with a short text which was followed by a discussion of about an hour.
The text is an adaptation in the form of an interview impossible to greek philosopher Epicurus, written by Antonio Cosentino, the leading carrier in the practice of P4C in Italy where they are exposed to the contents of the letter Menoeceus (detta "sulla felicità").

Domande sollevate:
- Il piacere e il dolore sono due facce della stessa medaglia?
- Una persona che non è libera, può essere felice?
- Nascere è una gioia?
- L'uomo può essere felice anche senza possesso?
- Perchè credo che il piacere che descrive Epicuro non basterebbe?
- Perchè la morte deve essere vista come dolore?
- Il piacere è felicità?
- Che cos'è la felicità?
- Come tradurre l'idea di felicità in senso universale in felicità pratica?
- Il piacere è figlio della cultura o dell'esperienza?
- La felicità ha una nascita e/o una fine?
- Cos'è l'eterno?
- La felicità è utopia?

Argomento di discussione scelto: "Cos'è la felicità?"

Aspettando la relazione di Alvise ricordiamo alcuni spunti.
Qualcuno proponeva una felicità privata permessa dall'adattamento della realtà prossima ai desideri del singolo. Trovarsi nella natura, o in buona compagnia di una persona come di un animale, di un cane ad esempio, possedere un qualcosa che ci rende felici, una casa al mare, ad esempio, o un automobile o una moto.
Altri proponevano che questa felicità privata sia in realtà solo un piacere, la felicità can only exist if there is sharing, and the greatest happiness, what is perhaps utopia is that the pleasure is shared with all humanity. In a sense, more pleasure is shared, the more happiness.
In a provocative question on the assumption that happiness is the conviction of being right, to represent the truth, a participant in a witty retort that she had felt only in those happier times when he was certain he did not know the truth.
(more. ..)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Amf Bowling Prices Per Game

Stalker-ON Spring 2010 Roman


walk next Saturday, April 10: City Portuense

Since 1995 walking Stalker proposes to cross the territories of the change, which we called "Actual Territories, to perceive the self and become spontaneous, then welcome and encourage transformative processes and relationships, sharing experiences, knowledge, memories and imaginations.

This experience of reality is made with the crossing of borders - the territories, disciplines, political barriers, social and cultural - in an attempt to catch the clues emerging there's ongoing transformation to enable us to look beyond, to the future, without abandoning the reality. In this way we try to take care of the emerging future of the world and spontaneous, ready to transform ourselves and the relationships we have with others and with the environment.



Osservatorio Nomade

Barbara wants to share this initiative ...