Thursday, October 21, 2010

State Bank Of Indiageneral Power Of Attorney


When there is the sun and the faith does not fail ... clever things happen!
Look here!

In Alsace, the first church in Europe photovoltaic

Written by Laura Pavesi - October 20, 2010 - 14:34 A comment
to redo the roof of the church, the inhabitants of Manspach decided to use photovoltaic tiles and the roof of the apse, tiles recycled polyethylene from the collection made by them.

Church di Manspach, cittadina dell’Alsazia francese, è diventata famosa in questi giorni per essere la prima chiesa europea ad avere un tetto fotovoltaico. La chiesa di Saint-Léger era stata costruita nel 1867 e all’epoca erano state utilizzate, per la copertura, tegole di amianto e cemento. Considerata la necessità di rifare il tetto, i cittadini sono stati chiamati dal sindaco, insieme al parroco, a scegliere tra un tetto in tegole di ardesia, materiale tradizionale dell’architettura alsaziana, e uno in tegole identiche a quelle in ardesia dal punto di vista estetico, ma fotovoltaiche . La comunità di Manspach, costituita da poco più di 500 abitanti, ha votato all’unanimità per the second solution, which combines the architectural respect to sustainable development. The tiles used
perfectly reproduce the traditional Alsatian coverage, in both color diamond in the pose and avoid distorting the aesthetics of the sacred building and integrating perfectly with its natural environment. The 462 photovoltaic tiles laid on the gable of the nave, spanning about 350 square meters, produce an average of 30,000 kWh per year - equal to the needs of the church itself and nine other homes. The excess electricity produced will be fed into the electricity grid and sold to local operator, EDF.
But not all. Nationals di Manspach sono andati ben oltre. La parte di tetto che ricopre l’abside della chiesa di Saint-Léger, infatti, è stata rifatta con tegole di PEHD (polietilene ad alta densità) riciclato proveniente dalla raccolta differenziata (bottiglie, bidoni, ecc.) di Manspach e dintorni. La posa di queste speciali tegole in polietilene ha permesso alla comunità di risparmiare sui costi (le tegole in polietilene riciclato costano meno delle tegole in ardesia) e, al tempo stesso, di avere un impatto ambientale inferiore rispetto, ad esempio, alla produzione delle tegole in terracotta.
Il costo complessivo del cantiere (che comprende il rifacimento del tetto, tegole fotovoltaiche e in PEHD, tegole in real slate for the tower, restoration of the facade and interior) will be calculated 300,000 Euro, which is not imposed on municipal coffers . As stated by the mayor of Manspach, Dany Dietman, " this investment - which protects the environment, social justice and our money - will be amortized by selling excess electricity all'EDF" .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Camera Company Has The Highest Sales

Ebook reader borrowed from libraries!

this Bella initiative! Go to the library will no longer be as it once was: a Florentine library has made available some digital music players.

Today I told a story rather curious. E-reader to read electronic books on loan. E 'Tuscan one of the first libraries in Italy to make available to readers of electronic media to browse virtual pages. For now, the devices are 8 and the loan may take up to one month (15 days in other sources 15).
The service started on October 14 .
works available on the e-shelf will be selected among the great classics of Italian literature , but the number of licenses is expected to grow over time. From this list people can download their favorite books.
"disseminate or make available new technologies for reading does not affect the value of the book, but enhances the activity of reading - say the library Empoli - and the spread of e-book and also opens new perspectives for readers to libraries, since many collections can be acquired or downloaded at lower costs, and above all without taking up large spaces. "
The reader will be provided, complete with case and headphones, only to over 16 years and only after having paid a deposit of 10 €, which will be returned at the end of the loan.

This initiative confirms the growing confidence in the field of "Digital Readout" and technologies to support!



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Numbering System Colour

Saving Chilean miners! Let us remember ... THERE IS GOOD!

aired bad images from the field before the game Marassi Genoa Italy Serbia .... but somewhere else was going on something important! Really important! The rescue of the miners in Chile We'll just go! Who wants to embrace them all! Moreover

think ....

An Italian guide the rescue of 33 miners from Chile

Written by writing - September 16, 2010 - 14:53 No comment
Stefano Massei, engineer of Pisa, 56, Enel employees. Sposato con due figli: una vita normale di un ingegnere normale. Nato al livello del mare, è lassù sulle Ande cilene dove l’aria è rarefatta, sopra la miniera maledetta che comanda la trivellazione per salvare i 33 minatori chiusi nella pancia della montagna.
Tra una decina di giorni la sua grande perforatrice comincerà a rodere le rocce andine. «Ma questa volta non sto andando a bucare un giacimento: sto cercando di raggiungere uomini disperati per portarli fuori».
Buona giornata a tutti!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bacterial Infection Ast Alt Levels High

really useful resource!

Ho letto questo ebook, Lettura veloce 3x e ho ritrovato il gusto di ...mettere ordine le cose dentro alla testa! Si quando sembra tutto difficile e ormai irrecuperabile, per fortuna c'è qualcuno che ci fa sentire umani e che rende semplici cose che sembravano impossibili! Lo consiglio a tutti! Agli studenti per primi. Ragazzi perchè rovinarsi i pomeriggi subendo l'impostazione di una scquola che non regge più, che non vi sa conquistare e non vi sa consigliare una strada,  un futuro !Che non vi sa motivare e non vi spiega perchè ci si dovrebbe impegnare sullo studio ma velo impone usando un linguaggio che non è il vostro? Beh qui trovate come dedicare esclusivamente il tempo necessario per studiare, memorizzare in modo da non dimenticare più! Qui trovate punti di vista che vi stimoleranno New thoughts on why and how to study. In short, a practical guide that produces immediate benefits. The only thing that I personally feel is the way to criticize the author's exposition, but only at the start, too sure of himself to the point that I almost considered a phenomenon of "particular" almost from the show. But beyond this, I repeat that I have seen only the beginning, the rest is ..... the freedom to be masters of the method!
HAVE FUN! Luciano

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Is Tungsten Worth

If you can not do more than the usual news and the usual news that ...

If you can not do more than the usual bad news and the usual news che...ti aggrediscono da quando ti alzi, ti rovinano la colazione, ti distruggono il buonumore e ti tolgono l'energia ..scegli queste!

BuoneNotizie .it  

Solo Buone Notizie : news, cronaca, ambiente, sport, spettacolo ...  

Buone Notizie Online

Buone Notizie - Good News Agency - Home Page  

Scrivimi se ti sentirai meglio!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Temperature Sensor Circuit Design

Kraut Blood does not lie

Autumn has officially started in Hamburg. The remaining leaves are tinged with a beautiful orange and burgundy speckled the ones that already have succumbed to gravity settle creaking like a carpet on the way I walk every morning. A perfume and dry cardboard overwhelmingly dominated by a few days and it raises even more insistent on a clear day following the rain.
A further confirmation of all that is now before midday temperature struggling to reach the two digits, reaching the time that I leave the house to go to work on a nice little 8.
So I'm already resigned to the boot, the scarf is not only decorative and heavier than the jacket because of the belly I no longer connect.

The other day a colleague at the entrance of the intersection.
like mine, so also his Guten Morgen out of the mouth accompanied by a whitish smoke condensate vanishing.
There is only one difference between us: as my clothing is blatantly fall, he, however, is still at work with a simple shirt and holds a black leather jacket with rolled up under one arm.
Stephan, but that's a bit 'chilly with only the shirt - I dare to ask for a lift?
Eh - he says - but we Germans are of a different temperament, you should know by now (irony not to be underestimated).
course - I say - sorry, I keep forgetting, perhaps because I still can not understand what the hell is made up of your blood.
Because in the end is that it is in my blood, the secret is all there. Hemoglobins
fed to the sound of margarine, white blood cells as loads Oktoberfest Bavarian sausages, platelets injected Zigeuner sauce and ketchup.
And then a flash ....
I do not remember what year it seems to me the beginning nineties. In any case very tender age, maximum 10 years.
holidays in Normandy and Brittany, my family, once a wolf. What are called smart holidays. Why to avoid mass tourism, there is nothing more brilliant that go to those places from which all escape in August all'agognante looking for the sun of the south.
We do not.
One day I tell my mom: "Listen, I'm going to bathe in the pool." She said, 'Are you crazy, look what it gets cold, I catch a damn. "
Then I ask, pointing to the window overlooking the courtyard and then the pool and three swimmers whitish: "Why, then, if it cold they make the bathroom? "- application exposed with all the innocence of which I was still able.
My mom looks and scientific explanation that will mark me for life comes, "but Mari, but they are German."
Here is a Milanese girl who form an image at the top of the very precise and indelible Teutonic people, the ones who make the bathroom even if it's cold. Image
more than confirmed in the various weekend Ligurian late September, when everyone keeps clothes looking at the sea and to point the finger at the waves while a few individuals Biotti-white mozzarella thrown away. Their splash was accompanied by several "are crazy" to bystanders and a thought logico nella mia mente “ma loro sono tedeschi”.
Loro possono, loro resistono.
Immagine mai più smentita, nemmeno 15 anni dopo sul baltico, la prima volta. Che già solo il nome, baltico, fa venire freddo. L’acqua è talmente gelata che solo pucciare lo spigolo dell’unghia del piede mi provoca una convulsione di ghiaccio. Potrei quasi giurare di essere diventata blu per un istante.
Ma loro no, si buttano come foche, senza pensarci, senza quel minimo di freno impercettibile che per una frazione di secondo ti fa fare brrrrr anche a ferragosto sulla riviera adriatica.
Loro sono tedeschi. Loro nuotano nel baltico.
Io sono quella che resta a guardarli dalla riva scuotendo la testa e l’indice standing references to "Come on, komm rein" and vowing that next year I'll throw my baby ... I also challenge myself and I keep putting it off.
"Eine Pfeife bist du, a Seghino" ... But, my dear friends from beyond the cabbage, Stephan expensive, so again next summer, when I shall see you suffer like animals to the slaughterhouse to the shocking temperature of less than 32 degrees!