Thursday, November 22, 2007

Why Did Diego Rivera Painted The Agitator

" John Sturges' of ... um ... Alberto Farina

Image of John Landis are already ten years? I thought I had started on Iacino in early 1998, but it occurred to me that I was already facing a little 'pathetically, using the account of a friend in September 1997. I was still in Canada at the end of work on "Blues Brothers 2000" , and tried to intervene here and there on Usenet, answering a few questions and also trying awkwardly to advertise on my Castoro John Landis (published two years earlier) and "Shoot the director!" Instead it was almost hot off the press. Image of Sparate sul regista! Personaggi e storie del cinema di exploitation

then have passed more than ten years after those first tentative post. And even ten years have passed since I published a book of my own - I mean, in collaboration with other authors. A little 'other commitments, a little' because pleasure always exciting to write to the newsgroup ends in part to remove the writing energies even in the so called real life.

just that after a little 'back the urge to write something on paper. In 2007 I started working at the Beaver returned several times to Sam Raimi, Then they asked me to write a book first slimmer (just 97 pages, including title pages) dedicated to a film that everyone saw at least one or two movies but that today very few remember the name.

In the sixties and until the first half of the Seventies, John Sturges was pretty well known: one of those solid craftsmen in their hands Filmon solid adventure relying on the craft gained in thirty years of his career. How many great professionals of the past, Sturges had entered the industry in Hollywood through the back door, first aid assistance as aid, then gradually as an assistant editor and later as an editor on his own. Throughout this long apprenticeship he worked among others with David Selznick e George Cukor, collaborando anche ai primissimi film in Technicolor. Per poi passare alla regia grazie a William Wyler, che se lo portò dietro in Italia durante la guerra e gli consentì di firmare insieme a lui un insolito (e sfortunatissimo) documentario bellico, intitolato " Thunderbolt " e dedicato allo sforzo aereo alleato per favorire la liberazione della penisola dai tedeschi.

Image of Step Right Up!
Tornato negli Stati Uniti, Sturges lavora per diversi anni alla Columbia, subendo come tutti le celebri angherie del boss Harry Cohn . In una sua intervista viene fuori un aneddoto curioso, soprattutto perché raccontato in una versione solo marginalmente diversa da William Castle in his autobiography. It seems that Cohn had the habit of giving young people registucoli a horrible script, perhaps written by himself, to see if they had any sense critical. Sturges Castle is that he refused to tell, trembling, to draw from a movie - and discovered after I made the right choice, because Cohn would fly out of anyone who was foolish enough to accept a position clearly failed.

years at Columbia, Sturges turns a bit 'of everything: noir, melodrama, children's films (including a series dedicated to Rusty, a heroic German shepherd star of seven titles, one of which headed right by William Castle) , western and even an extension of a feature story by Mark Twain "The frog jumping." Then go for a while 'to MGM there and implements what is considered by many to be his best film: it is " Day at Black Rock" (Bad Day at Black Rock), with Spencer Tracy, which is a kind of modern western and that uses an intelligent fashion, exploded at the time, of the wide screen, using it to describe white space and solitude, instead of the usual exaggerated scenes, landscapes lush and marching armies.

Later, along with illustrious colleagues such as Billy Wilder , Sturges will be among the first filmmakers to abandon the creaking system of the studios, assumendosi in prima persona la responsabilità della produzione dei propri film e appoggiandosi a un'organizzazione piccola ma agguerrita come quella dei fratelli Mirisch. Sarà con loro che realizzerà, fra gli altri, film oggi classici come " I magnifici sette " e " La grande fuga ".

L'ultimo film di Sturges è del 1976 ed è una avventura bellica abbastanza divertente. Se n'è parlato qui sul gruppo proprio di recente, quando qualcuno è venuto a chiedere se ne conoscevamo il titolo, che è " La notte dell'aquila " (il thread è questo , ma attenzione perche' e' spoilerosissimo). Nel complesso, la sua carriera attraversa oltre quarant'anni of American cinema, going from Studio System to the period of independent producers, up to the threshold of the new major media mergers-economic initiated in the late seventies and has long become the norm.

If I read the post in which I tried - in vain, and sideways - to speak with one of my book on Landis, blush. Better then not to seek an excuse, this time, and boldly declare it spam. With the partial mitigating this bill is not copyright. My small book on John Sturges is not in library but in the video library: it is sold attached to two different films Sturges on DVD - " The Great Escape" and "The Magnificent Seven . Both films in edizione a due dischi e pullulano di extra. Non posseggo ancora "I magnifici sette", ma per "La grande fuga" posso segnalare un corposo documentario sulla lavorazione del film e un ancor più corposo documentario sul vero fatto storico che ispirò il soggetto.

C'è anche un commento audio che, invece, tutto sommato non è imperdibile, fabbricato com'è con un montaggio sicuramente laborioso di dichiarazioni di Sturges stesso e vari altri collaboratori. Spesso ci sono cose molto intessanti, ma non sempre sono puntuali come si vorrebbe rispetto alle immagini che scorrono sullo schermo: molto meglio sarebbe stato recuperare il commento audio realizzato da Criterion nel 1991 per un'edizione in laserdisc che è ormai da anni fuori catalogo e che io ho avuto modo di ascoltare solo grazie a un generoso collezionista finlandese che me ne ha spedito copia.

Image of John Sturges, histoires d'un filmaker
In effetti, gran parte del libro è stato reso possibile proprio dalla generosità di alcune persone incontrate su Internet. Su Sturges, l'unico libro pubblicato finora era quello di un francese che lo intervistò un paio d'anni prima della morte - un lavoro nel complesso un po' pasticciato e farraginoso da consultare e leggere, ma zeppo di informazioni interessanti e soprattutto di testimonianze di prima mano. Nel complesso, però, le sole fonti disponibili sul regista sono gli articoli pubblicati da quotidiani e periodici nel corso della sua carriera. Finlandese a parte, for me it was absolutely invaluable assistance of IACiner Alessandro Coricelli, that after my request right around here I found, in a library in Los Angeles, a great deal of valuable material. I can not thank Alex enough for the time dedicated to me and I want to do it again here, where I asked for help: I \u200b\u200bowe him at least an extensive interview with Sturges on "The Old Man and the Sea " a lot of reviews of 'time to his film taken from "Variety" and "Hollywood Reporter" and several articles of great interest - including those in which we talk about some projects that Sturges never realized and passed to other directors, such as "U- Boot 96 "and" Jaws .

Many of Sturges films are still unavailable on DVD, and can be remedied only in this way ... or using the mule, while risking only find dubbed versions in English. Something goes wrong is coming out here too (in fact point out that is just around " The whip", published by Millennium Storm), but the bulk remains inaccessible. Even when it comes to securities at the time started with a certain effort as " Underwater! , "a submarine with the pulpy melodrama unlikely Jane Russell, known primarily for its world premiere was held under water in the presence of journalists with wetsuit, snorkel and fins ... and animation with a not yet famous unexpectedly Jayne Mansfield. The film is not nothing to it, but it intrigued me greatly. Although there is not yet a commercial version, the mule has brought me a piece that contained a logo that I sent up a forum for film fans underwater (!), Where I tracked down the person who digitized, recorded after on television, and who managed to pass a full copy by mail.

Finally, it is mainly because of the frantic searches done for this book that I discovered pluricitato Betterworld , a site that sells books
for Charity (English) Discontinued libraries, almost always in excellent condition, and shipping rates than any other site in the books of my knowledge.

Image of John Sturges
enough. I noticed that in the video library book with cellophane so that the DVD cover is not seen. Here is the link to the ticket in Anobii, which I discover that the good Shepherd Jack he's already secured a copy.

Good reading, Jack, and thanks. :-)
FVO: Ginger and Fred (DVD) / Hearts (DVD) / The Bourne Supremacy (DVD) / The Bourne Identity (DVD) -


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