Monday, July 13, 2009

Going Away Card Sayings

Democracy "abnormal"

of Omid Firouzi

It will be on the ruins of this crisis is inevitable that the tidal wave will continue without fear his idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy, marked by freedom, autonomy ...
7 / 7 / 2009
For years we have been taught in schools and universities that the traits that disinguono a democracy is the freedom to think, to be able to independently choose their own paths of life with respect for others' ideas and the possibility of having the tools to make that choice. We have always said that those in power has the duty to hear all the voices that rise from the folds of society and the duty groped to interact with the contradictions and conflicts with the tools of political confrontation, even hard, and mediation. A democracy is that if the above thoughts, behavioral propensities, subjective aspirations and claims of politicians, even those of minorities are respected and deemed legitimate in some way. This we have always said. Today, looking at what happens in Italy, I wonder if anyone has the feeling of being in a true democracy.
Let us listen to examine three issues of great interest: employment, immigration and education.
As for the work nobody can deny that, in these times of crisis, widespread insecurity, due to new forms all'imporsi contract clearly discriminatory for most workers and a general markedly unequal distribution of wealth, leading many workers and unemployed people to demand better conditions of pay and payment of income can open up possibilities for human beings. Now faced with this question that the social reaction of government is one part of the attempt not even consider the emergence of new forms of work and exploitation, and then lesistenza the claim of new rights, and the other to attack the criminal law the strike. Delegitimize and criminalize the point.
On the ground things are a source of immigration to all. The security package, and especially the introduction the crime of illegal imigrazione establishes definitively the disinterest of government in addressing this issue with social policies and new projects of integration and autonomy while respecting the rights of migrants and urges that the strategy of criminalization and criminal use of the instrument and repressive. A policy which inevitably reproduces discrimination against thousands of people and a culture of fear, suspicion and distrust of the whole society. We come now to the facts of these days, Then we go to the issue of training.
been years since we presented our criticisms of the 3 +2 reform, desired note from the center-left, speaking of de-qualification of knowledge, liceizzazione and corporatization of the university. When the Gelmini and Berlusconi's government in general have revealed their plan has triggered widespread social context. Everything happened in broad daylight. We have expressed our concern about what seemed a real dismantling of public universities, given the consistency of the cuts and forecast the creation of university foundations and gave life to this legitimate concern with a legitimate complaint.
assemblies, parades like the one in Rome which was attended by hundreds of thousands of people, occupations and roadblocks throughout Italy have thus translated politically, without any violence and with determination, a legitimate social demand, which rose from all over the country.
We plan to build a public du adequately funded, where the protagonists are critical knowledge, culture and freedom of research "autonomous." All the service of our desire to know the contemporary social reality and why not, maybe be able to change. So we've said and done for months. And they claim as just and legitimate. The answer was obvious, predictable and in some ways "consistent." The deans and rectors, the same people who supported the struggle, they stopped talking to us as soon as we have denounced the interests and powers of the feudal barons in many universities. Came the first complaint, and the first officers when the mobilization was demonstrated in quality, retention and participation is not the usual excitement and ritual autumn.
The faculties have begun to clear the self-managed classrooms that for weeks have brought a wave of student participation in university life and the production and transmission of knowledge and some principals have begun to deny authorization to perform self-training conferences and seminars. Matter of public policy we were told. Finally, when the struggles of students and researchers have begun to interact with other furniture throughout the area, when in fact we began to understand that the formula "multitudinous" that had characterized the Wave movement could be an important wealth to spend on different terrains struggle and demands, So it's timely stroke of the sword of the leviathan.
"We do not have a girlfriend at the level of evidence but the individuals arrested were previously able to participate in the G8 protests all'Acquila" This says the motivation by the prosecutor in Turin. So here again the tried and tested formula. Do not recognize the existence of a social conflict, ignore it and then turn it into a matter of public safety and order and finally hitting some random criminalize some specific goals in people who have made it emerge. Hit the "bad" to intimidate "good". Divide where the networking of the differences had been a strong point. Producing social alarms and public enemies to mystify reality.
E' questa la strategia del governo per affontare una crisi economica e poltica che sta mettendo in discussione le basi stesse di una democrazia sempre più logorata, sempre più violentata, sempre più anomala.
Niente piagnistei però. Sarà proprio sulle rovine di questa crisi inevitabile che l'Onda Anomala porterà avanti senza paura la sua idea di democrazia, all'insegna della libertà, dell'autonomia e della partecipazione vera di tutti alla vita sociale del paese.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hentei Lord Of The Ring

Peppe Mariani: "Without the right to housing is not right to study"

ROMA, 8 LUG - Pieno sostegno all’occupazione abitativa degli studenti dell’onda. - è quanto fa sapere in una nota Peppe Mariani, Presidente della Commissione Lavoro, Politiche Giovanili, Pari Opportunità e Politiche Sociali.Appena mi hanno avvertito sono andato in via fortebraccio al quartiere Pigneto dove gli studenti hanno occupato. Questa azione denuncia lo stato di grave difficoltà in cui vivono gli studenti di questa città. Nonostante i tentativi della stessa Regione Lazio di calmierare gli affitti per garantire il diritto alla casa agli studenti, – continua Mariani – il mercato immobiliare rimane una giungla selvaggia costituita da affitti in nero ed inaccessibili. Questa situazione fa sì che i giovani non ottengano mai l’autonomia e l’indipendenza dalle proprie famiglie. Senza il diritto alla casa viene precluso anche il diritto allo studio, soprattutto per gli studenti fuori sede.In particolare – Mariani continues - I learn that the building occupied today, a privately owned, and remained in disuse for more than 10 years in a district like Pigneto, a symbol of unbridled speculation. For this reason - Mariani-ends not only support the protest and denunciation of the students, but I will ask to set up a table of negotiation between the individual himself, the municipality of Rome and the Lazio Region, in charge of the primary right to education, the right to home and social rights for students. On this front has been done too little. E 'key to listen to students wave to start a season of stronger policy on these issues.

Property Management Walk Through Form

born POINT BREAK - Students occupied by Crew Press

The student-occupied Crew OndaRoma
Today, July 8, 2009, in the middle of the afternoon hundreds of students from the Wisdom of the CREW project in Onda has occupied an abandoned building for nearly ten years to make a living space for students : the birth of the students occupy Point Break, in Fortinbras 30 in Pigneto; employment that takes place in a neighborhood populated by migrant students and forced to pay 300 or 400 € for a small room, crossed by streams and evening youth from different cultural experience and social.
Today we launch the campaign "50 euro may be enough", and therefore we say that now is only the beginning and that we are not willing to pay more for a room!
Excellent response of the neighborhood, the people of the street applauded the initiative, students are leaflets throughout the neighborhood explaining the reasons for the action.
E 'was convened July 10 to Friday 18 hours a public meeting at the new job. Today
19 hours - social drink

occupation of Point Break Wave Crew
Point Break is a response to the crisis that strikes for months on the living conditions of young people, students and temporary workers. Point Break was born in the folds of the Wave, in the wake of the movement that, starting from the universities and schools, was able to field real opposition to the policies of the university divestment and school. Point Break is a response to widespread insecurity that grips the lives of young people, the inability to have access to income, education, happiness. Point Break is the reappropriation of space to make a new trial, an attempt to build a new welfare system from the bottom up, from the production of common resources, imagination, intelligenza.Point Break is a response to unsustainable rents, who calls us guests and make us pay 500 € per month. Point Break is a response all'Adisu and its inability to meet the needs of students within and outside the home. Point Break is a response to the Government of Wisdom and his mad plan for building looking to replace the university to private speculation in rents. Point Break is against the rent, vacant buildings, empty houses and the house plan that the government wants us to sleep in the veranda of condoned genitori.Point Break is the highest point of the Wave, that of breaking the patterns that we want visitors, temporary workers, illegal immigrants. Point Break is now Pigneto, a neighborhood youth, multicultural and open, but will soon be all over the city. Point Break is now a student self-managed, shared, born from the desire for autonomy of young students and temporary workers Wave Roman. A stable tear and returned to the speculation città.Noi we put our minds, i nostri desideri e cinquanta euro al resto è responsabilità delle istituzioni!
C.Re.W. - Sapienza in Onda
Block G8 Liberi/e Tutti/e

Monday, July 6, 2009

Malpractice Complaint

wave of solidarity of Wisdom in Onda. Occupied by the Rector to protest against the arrests

Nella notte tra il 5 e il 6 luglio, le forze dell’ordine sotto il comando della Questura di Torino hanno perquisito e arrestato 21 persone: 12 a Torino, 4 a Bologna, 3 a Padova, uno a Milano e uno a Napoli. Inoltre, è stata fatta irruzione nel Centro Sociale Askatasuna di Torino e alla Festa di Radio Sherwood a Padova.Azioni intollerabili e intimidatorie, coperte dal ministro razzista Maroni che promette il g8 più pacificato nella storia di questo summit. Azioni contro chi ha inondato le strade, occupato le università, bloccato il traffico, per rivendicare i propri diritti contro le politiche folli di questo governo. Azioni contro chi ha contestato il g8 dei rettori delle università in modo determinato ed intelligente. Questa notte, nella settimana di contestazione al g8, un giorno prima dell’arrivo dei grandi, si decide di far scattare l’ennesima azione di Police to crack down on those who decided not to submit to the logic of efficiency and economy in the university as imposed in our lives.
The living body of the university, the struggles and insecurity on education does not stop! So today in Rome, as in Venice and Bologna, the academies are dealing with force and power requires a clear stance against the universities arrests, the criminalization of the movement of the wave and the closure of the spaces of freedom and dissent.
All this happens within a framework of continuous and widespread criminalization of acts of intimidation against movements on Saturday, in fact, stati perquisiti tutti i pullman ed i treni che cercavano di raggiungere Vicenza per partecipare alla manifestazione indetta contro la costruzione della base americana. Il giorno successivo, in occasione della fiaccolata che chiedeva verità e giustizia sul terremoto, L’Aquila è stata letteralmente militarizzata attraverso l’istituzione di check-point e l’obbligo di mostrare i documenti.…Se avete deciso di non farci dormire venendo nelle nostre case, nei nostri luoghi, arrestando i nostri compagni durante la notte, allora avete deciso di non dormire più neanche voi!


Onda Sapienza_in

Friday, July 3, 2009

Canon 70 - 200 Front Element Replacement

for a new welfare state against the crisis - Inquiry into the dossier and home

Download the file here in pdf Crew Onda "For a new anti-welfare crisis"

Index file:

Intro and the first part:
- Inquiry into the rents and housing conditions of black students in the metropolis (page 2)
-Social conflict within the Roman students (page 3)
-A new welfare than the right to education (p. 5)
- Speculation and annuity , change in land and rents in black (p.6)

Second part:
- Wave to a new welfare state against the crisis:
- Access to culture (p. 8)
- Home (pag.9)
- Reddito e nuovo welfare (pag.10)
- Nuovo welfare contro il debito (pag.12)

Scarica qui in pdf l'inchiesta sul tema della casa a cura di Crew - Questionario - Surf the crisis,belong to Crew!