Monday, February 1, 2010

Fancast Full Episodes

Report Coxs philosophical meeting on January 30 Saturday, January 30 2010 CONFLICT

Report Coxs Area Epicurean, January 30 Acrobax
The Conflict

On 30 January, in the Reggae frame Circus, held a meeting about the conflict in the philosophical landscape Loa Acrobax of Rome.

has formed a group of about 20 members.
E 'was read with a short text which was followed by a discussion of about an hour.

Text: Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Blacks Pozza, Vicenza 1999, pp.103-105.
Questions raised:

- How to behave in a conflict is not structured?
- In a conflict there are always two sides identified?
- Conflict is always a good idea?
- The human being must be prepared for the conflict?
- sonpo These strategies apply to social relations?
- It 's possible that a relationship is conflict?
- The debate is a conflict?
- It 's required demonstration of material strength to win without fighting?
- The conflict is instinctive and comes first to have identified an opponent?
- I know I can act or act only if I know?
- You can live without conflict?
- The conflict is a problem?

Discussion topic chosen: "The conflict is instinctive and comes first to have identified an opponent?"

After a short range of actions seemed at all certain that the conflict, as a discrepancy between needs and reality, appears as a constituent in the early moments of the individual.
It appears that the self (or if) you build opposition conflict with the world, so before there is conflict, and then thanks to that, the ego.
is configured so the answer to the question chosen, "the conflict is instinctive?"
Answer: "Yes, born and first to have identified an opponent because it comes even before you identify yourself."

Some people then emphasized the relationship between experience, knowledge and construction of Self through active experience of conflict experiences. The conflict shows if it leads to victory, success, but also teaches more if it leads to failure.
These considerations also explain the question raised earlier: "I know I can act or act only if I know?", In which action and practice of conflict are fundamentally the same.
The group then asked by the facilitator, shifted his attention to a reflection on how best to deal with conflicts.
The group was confident that the best way was still dealing with conflict rather than deny it or hide it. So, in principle, the conflict is always good. Bearing in mind that dealing with conflict can also mean escape and flee in the face of an enemy stronger. A participant proposed to protect it "ideas to die but to die ... a slow death .. "as nell'adagio De Andrè, in short, dealing with conflict, but not devote himself to martyrdom.
Another participant noted that" I know that is built into the conflict, and that this is the bearer of knowledge , makes us live in a different light. "as a choice rather than as a condition suffered passively. And this last point emphasizes the very aspect that wants to develop P4C: metacognition, or knowledge about the process of watching me about the same.
The facilitator at this point suggested a reading of the conflict, mediated by the individual atomic critical of our modern conception, retrieve the Taoist idea of \u200b\u200bthe individual diverse, not divided from the world. The conflict, as a universal law, must not lead to complete destruction of the opponent because the opponent is a constitutive element of self manifold. The element of conflict, even if it is submitted, however, part of the constitution of the element that has the upper hand, determination. With this win on the weak and strong on the little big.


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