Friday, August 13, 2010

Prestige Pressure Cooker Safety Valve

traveling epicurean soup clam: New England Clam Chowder

E 'an American but it's really good! We always eat at home and my aunt makes that true Roman kitchen, and a guarantee!


The clam chowder: New England Clam Chowder

In a large pot simmer the water until boiling. Add clams, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Discover the pot and stir with wooden spoon. Cover the pot again and let cook for 5 / 10 minutes until the opening of the shell. Depends on the size of the shellfish: New England is often used Quahog, type of oyster in the northeast Atlantic American clam. Place clams in a large container and pass through the cooking broth through a strainer with cheesecloth, at least twice, until the clams are cleaned from the sand. You should get at least 8 cups of broth. Otherwise, add water to get to eight cups. When the clams have cooled remove the shells and chop into small pieces: the best big clams for this recipe. If you use the original American molluscs, such as the Quahog, cut into pieces, or use them as as they are.
Separate clams from juice in two separate containers. Cook bacon in large skillet over medium baking, until golden and the absorption of fat, butter. Discard the remaining butter, except for two tablespoons. Add new butter (4 tbsp) chopped leeks, onions, celery and cook for about 5 minutes. Add garlic, thyme and bay leaves until the spices are well blended, about 3 minutes, being careful not to burn them. Add potatoes cut into small cubes, and the clam broth and bring to boil. Lower the heat, cover with lid and cook over low heat until the broth becomes more dense and the potatoes are very soft, for about 30 minutes. (Per un brodetto piĆ¹ denso, schiacciare alcune delle patate in pentola, con un cucchiaio di legno). Togliere dal fuoco, aggiungere le vongole ed il latte caldo (mai far arrivare il latte ad ebollizione!), aggiungere pepe e sale.
Lasciare riposare la zuppa per circa 1 ora, coperta, per ottenere una buona marinatura. Porre la pentola a fuoco basso e riscaldare lentamente, senza far bollire! Servire ben calda, magari decorando la ciotola (meglio evitare la fondina) con un po' di prezzemolo ed erba cipollina. La tradizione richiederebbe anche l'aggiunta di piccoli crackers non salati. Alcuni ristoratori del Massachusetts servono la clam chowder in una forma di pagnotta.

1 litro di soup serves 12 portions of New England Clam Chowder.
4 kg.
200 grams of clams.
diced bacon 2 onions chopped 4 medium potatoes, diced

8 cups heavy cream or whole milk, hot butter


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