Thursday, September 16, 2010

How To Congratulate In Spanish

Prior to this, read the previous post (if you have not already done so).

In the previous post I told della mia traumatica esperienza all’Ikea e della drammatica scoperta: il gelato è senza cioccolato!

Avevo detto di aver scritto il mio primo biglietto di reclamo e avevo chiuso con una promessa:

Vi farò sapere cosa mi risponderanno, se mai lo faranno!


I got home a letter from Ms. Ute Sievers.

I try to translate it even if the subject courtesy of which only the Germans are capable is difficult to convey.

Hello Frau Gambini,

thanks for your ticket 10:09:10.

One of our goals is that our guests feel at home in our restaurant and are satisfied with the quality of the food and beverage offerings.

For this we take very seriously the criticisms and suggestions of our customers. His criticism of the ice cream has been forwarded to our catering team and we are sure that those responsible will accept it with interest.

Thanks for taking the trouble to write (ndt in Italian it sounds bad but its written like this: Wir bedanken uns, dass Sie sich die Mühe gemacht haben uns zu schreiben - clearly understood that for me was a huge effort to write the ticket because psychologically crushed by the disappointment of ice cream) . We would be happy to see you here again in our store, hoping that his next visit will only be a positive experience.


Ute Sievers, customer service Ikea Hamburg

not even know how to comment on. I never ever thought I would respond!

I was really speechless and I think that basically, the next move to touch me. Maybe I could write to Frau Sievers thank you for having thanked the critics and say that for the kindness shown to me I could possibly turn a blind eye to the ice cream without chocolate and come back with pleasure at Ikea.

Or even better, a much fiercer reaction?

Gentile Frau Sievers,

grazie per la Sua cortese risposta. Ho apprezzato molto il Suo impegno e quello del servizio clienti nel considerare il mio reclamo, per altro fondatissimo.

Spero che il responsabile del team ristorazione sia di altrettante aperte vedute e prenda con serietà il mio caso: sono certa, infatti, di parlare a nome di moltissimi altri clienti Ikea come me delusi dal cambiamento.

Just on a point of your letter I would have something to say: do you see how it can become a positive experience on my next visit Ikea if the chocolate ice cream is gone ?!?!?!? ! You see, Frau Sievers, the case is far more serious than you might think.


Maria Chiara Gambini, customer Ikea.

PS: per evitare spiacevoli drammi in futuro ci tengo ad avvisarLa che se un domani doveste apportare modifiche alla farcitura dell’hot dog, alla salsina di mirtilli rossi abbinata alle polpettine Kottbullar o, peggio ancora, se doveste far sparire i distributori di matitine sparsi per il negozio correreste il rischio di venir sommersi da bigliettini di protesta da tutto il mondo! La pregherei dunque di informare il team ristorazione e il team matite.


What do I send you?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Does A Pinot Last

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Gay Cruisingplaces In Hyderabad

Trauma 2 IKEA IKEA

Ieri sera siamo andati all’Ikea. Ne siamo usciti sconvolti. Più del solito.

Dei tre obiettivi che ci eravamo posti non ne abbiamo raggiunto nemmeno uno. Ma siamo riusciti lo stesso a spendere a lot of money. Why Ikea is like H & M: all costs so little that you buy at the end like hell and when they tell you how much expenditure remains thrilled, like a robot pull out a credit card from his wallet without a word, pay, leave, and you're half an hour gazing in disbelief at the ticket, hoping to find a mistake because it can not be true, we were going to save!

The first objective was to buy a new Ikea Billy for the living room. Billy arrived in space, now we understand that something is wrong. Dismay. Terror! Billy The walnut color is gone. Despair! "Now how the heck do we have half walnut living room, not we can extend the library with a beech or a black."

But Mari has an ingenious solution: "Sven, do not worry, it will mean that we will think of something very different to disengage completely, perhaps an antique furniture to create a contrast between the sharp lines and the most Swedish Rococo and rolling, say, French ... a patchwork. "

Sven strikes me and start the scholarship. Why you must know that Ikea is for us a sort of ring in which to vent the accumulated tensions in the couple months. "Here, you come the architect! You, and space and measures just do not know anything ... "-" Speak the surveyor ... and then you men always with 'ste measures. " This leads then criticized for long time, "Why three years ago when we bought the carpet, I told you I had that red would clash with the blue of the sofa ... until they hit very low character much more personal" E I want to talk about your mother then? Who has filled the house with pots horrendous and you do not have to be a good boy said nothing, cowardly. "

include a "shut up" and a "can not stand you" arrive our second objective: changing table and crib for the baby coming.

And here too: Sting! Ikea is only two changing tables. A super cheap but cardboard, and a rather expensive plasterboard. And do not go to bed much better.

The second search has failed miserably, we'll go to a store and make normal plucking (ed we were now in a shop "normal". ... Changing the plasterboard will be fine!).

The frustration is soaring, the mood in the cellar. At least here we are united and reconciled in the setback.

go down to the bazaar and began shopping compulsively and comforting that leads to the consequences described above.

While we're at the counter say: Okay, now we take up with a nice ice cream. Because in the end because there is an Ikea? To move around in the yellow bag, to scrub eighty pencils and eating hot dogs and / or ice cream, I challenge anyone to disagree with me.

And now, dear readers, if you are faint of heart because you do not read what you say is really heavy (I'm also in charge to increase the suspense).

For the ice cream Ikea Hamburg Schnelsen, but I feel a bit 'in all, we can no longer choose the flavors! I'm not kidding, it's true! Before you pay when you gave the cone to put in the distributor, chose between strawberry and chocolate, and the beautiful mound of vanilla ice cream was beautifully decorated with four thin pink or brown rivulets.

Now with the knowledge they give you a coin - the fault of all those "recharged" the Cone ad libitum. And there is no choice, just an ice cream naked and raw.

This is by far the most dramatic disappearance of Billy and the baby phony!

I could not resist. For the first time in my life I wrote a note of protest and I holed out in the box "tell us your", complete with signature or address. Complaint: The ice cream without chocolate is unacceptable!

I will let you know what I will answer, if it ever will!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Flea Market In Lucasville Ohio


This year we will propose the Epicurean Club of Coxs wherever there is interest in hosting.
social centers, associations, libraries, clubs, galleries, festivals and public events, anyone with a space base to contain between 20 and 60 people comfortably and in a friendly atmosphere (no loud noises and distractions). Just send an email to
infocoxsa (at) and we will arrange, if possible, the time and manner.

for details see the post with the previous reports: Epicurean