Saturday, July 10, 2010

Funny Congratulations Baby Messages

Report Coxs Epicurean July 9, Battle of bands, Acrobax

On 9 July, a meeting was held horizontally with respect to the philosophical Loa Acrobax the conflict in Rome.

has formed a group of about 15 members.

E 'was read with a short text that Discussion followed about an hour.

Text: Paul Watzlawitck, The invented reality, contributions to constructivism (1981), Feltrinelli, Rome 1988, pp .149-151.

(clik on image to enlarge)

Questions raised:

- who is not in favor, is really against?

- We need to feel different?

- It is true that man is in search of perfection?

- How do you recognize beauty?

- Democracy is freedom?

- What happens is always defined?

- How often the denial is a form of defense?

- The search is always in need of an end?

- The logic helps to split into opposites?

Discussion topic chosen: "What happens is always defined (negation, opposite, end)? "

After the questions the community observed a similarity between the last 4 issues, deciding for the first of four which in a sense, included. The second question (we need to hear different?) In a sense was part of the chosen question.

After searching for a few minutes to answer the question whether what happens is always defined, many members of the group, in various ways, as highlighted define what happens as right or wrong, Good or bad, etc. .. is an unavoidable fact of life, one can not do without, but subjective.

The focus was then located on the phrase "what happens" because, as reported who had made had not been chosen at random.

What happens always returns to a subject (active or passive) in which the event happens (passive) or who makes it happen (on).

The same occurrence will be defined in different ways by those implementing it, by those who suffer or who observes it from different points of view. (A B. C is attacked by the newspaper of the aggression to A. A, B and C give different interpretations of what the basis of their belief: B was right, B has done wrong, I am ... B)

It was also pointed out that the person (to whom it happens) is always included in a time and in space. This contextualization of the subject is what leads him to define reality on a scale of values, ideas of perfection or set of categories (pairs of opposites), specific to that time and that space. We could say that the subject defines the basis of its culture and knowledge, which may be more or less adherent and conforms to the majority in its social context.

the provocation that brought the subject was then a slave of his time and space, that is the context in which he lived, many components of the research community argue that the subject is not necessarily a slave to the values \u200b\u200bof his time could be very conscious of the environment in which they live and be able to freely choose his point of view, so his way of defining what is happening.

There will always be on the other hand someone who chooses to take sides (differentiate) as a form of preventive defense, at least to feel part of "those who think that way" and against "anyone who thinks another," perhaps referring to an alleged "objectivity". Who says that a position is objective, simply says he wants to be right by force and does not accept that anyone could think otherwise. In a sense, those who cling to objectivity does not recognize the person the freedom to determine on its own "values" or knowledge that can be different, because it contextualizes its claim at a time and space but absolutizes .

Also due external stresses (the other noisy activities would begin with) the facilitator tried to pull the strings of even partial and provisional conclusion.

If it is impossible to define and judge, however, you can try to do it in a conscious and informed, rather than in a superstitious and conformist. (I want to emphasize that the boundary between the two points of view is not entirely clear). Those who had lived in a small mountain village about 100 years ago, would have much less information and far less aware of their judgments. He said the mother told the priest or friends in the square, could be safely the criteria for judging the truth of reality. This is why the emergence of a dictatorship in this type of situation was much easier than today. Some usually subversive suggested that this does not prevent a dictatorship today to succeed. But he needs 100 radio and 100 television stations and newspapers, and various parties to do so.

more the person to whom things happen, is informed and understands the processes through which sets and "constructs" reality, most are free not to belong to opposing views and "objective" of the world and events and to choose, in some cases, di non schierarsi con nessuno dei due eserciti in lotta mortale.

Nel ringraziare la comunità di ricerca vi chiedo anche di ricordarmi la storia del monaco lasciato dalla ragazza che non riusciva a non pensare a lei… così la inserisco!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Labeled Sailboat Diagram

Coxs Epicurean July 9, 2010 Battle of the Bands Acrobax

Venerdì 9 Luglio 2010 Adrian Good Promotion & l.o.a. Acrobax, con la collaborazione di EMERGENCY, presentano:


@ loa Acrobax
Via della Vasca Navale 6, Rome
Entrance: 5 €

Some of the marching bands the most explosive of Rome:


challenge all ' last hit (drum) on the ground in the Capital Ex-Cinodromo ... and decide who is the strongest ... be you!

An evening of music and performance at 360 °, together with EMERGENCY, the banner of anti-militarism and against the absurdity of war (the real one)!

How exactly?!

In the setting of Barricadero, fresh and green open area dell'Acrobax, marching bands will compete in a round match of 5 rounds of decreasing duration:

Round 1: 7 minutes of music per team
Round 2: 5 minutes per team
the 3rd round: 3 minutes per team
4th round: 1-minute team
5 th round: The Challenge of Champions (the strongest element of a gang challenge the champion of the opposing team. shipowner's choice: free. Duration of rounds: Free).

At the end of each round, the public expresses its appreciation for the performances, and the jury awards the point on the basis of the survey of "caciarometro" (sophisticated machinery war can be measured with absolute precision the level of "racket" produced by the public).

At the end of the fifth round, and then the match, victory is assigned to the band that scored the most points.

At the end of the battle solemnly proclaims the marching band won the first BATLLE OF Bandz history.

During the battles, will also be on stage:

Colonel Adriano Bono: Master of Ceremony, arbitrator, facilitator and stretchers.

Sergeants & Dj Loko JolkyPalky (from Torpedo Sound Machine): Music-Audio support and logistical and tactical, Marconi, engineers saboteurs.

Special guests and various braided: the jury was responsible for assigning points based on technical-musical.

EMERGENCY: It is in charge of giving the public nutrient "pills" of informations el'idiozia absurdity of war (the real one).

Before BATTLEZ: Trials of horizontal philosophy on war by Coxs.

During BATTLEZ: Video Projection antiwar theme by MEDDLETV, banquet information of Emergency, pizzeria and bar at low prices, and more!

After BATTLEZ: general pacification of spirits, kisses and abbrracci among the challengers, widespread euphoria and DJ-Set Balkan while supplies last and ammunition.

Dress code: military elements are strictly required in clothing: camo bikini? Military cap? Water guns? Cannon loaded with flowers? The choice is yours!

Training advised to come prepared for the event:

1) Reading of the irreplaceable full manual war "Sturmtruppen"
http://www / watch? v = iMbxaJcZFH4 & feature = related

2) Vision of the documentary film "Dr. Strangelove":

3) Knowledge of the following songs of war

Want to be part of the jury ? The show pokes you and you think you can make contributions to an art of some kind? You may get in touch with the Clown Army in Turin? Doubts? Uncertainty? Would you recruited?:

Ok ... we are back in the trenches.

But you, you are tranquil,

... because ... the war has never been so much fun!

Boom! :)

This film will be broadcast Friday, July 9, 2010 at:

With the special participation of:

Written and directed by:

By: losadoquines

technical panel:

Paolo Montin, chief of StradaBanda:
Giuliano Lucarini, da Caracca:

Partecipano inoltre:
Filosofia orizzontale:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Auditorium Seating Chart

The polluter-war organization

Un aereo da caccia tipo F-15E Strike Eagle o F16 Falcon consuma circa 16.200
litri/ora. Un carro armato Abrams M1 ha bisogno di 450 litri per fare 100
17 agosto 2004 - Luca Mercalli (Società Meteorologica Italiana)

La Società Meteorologica Italiana è un'organizzazione apolitica e apartitica. Tuttavia, l'articolo 5 del suo statuto sancisce come essa persegua «la finalità di solidarietà sociale attraverso la tutela e la valorizzazione della natura e dell'ambiente, in particolare promuovendo una ensibilizzazione riguardo i cambiamenti climatici in atto», in accordo con gli artt. 5 e 6 dell'UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), 1992.

Ecco perché abbiamo deciso to provide some data are generally difficult to find and far from our everyday thinking. They are food for thought, mere orders of magnitude of a perverse process of resource planetary masterfully described by the physicist Louis Sertorius Turin (which also was a member of the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO from 1990-93) in History Abundance (Bollati Basic Books, 2002), a beautiful book of 179 pages which, in our humble opinion, should be adopted by schools as illuminating analysis of the paradigm of infinite growth and its inevitable conflict with the laws of physics.

We come to the point: how much oil is costing us the war for oil? And how many emissioni di CO2 dannose all'atmosfera? Tentiamo di stimarle.

Servono dei dati di partenza, ed eccoli: La combustione di 1 litro di benzina produce 2,35 kg di anidride carbonica (CO2), quella di 1 litro di gasolio produce 2,66 kg di CO2, la media, che useremo per i nostri calcoli sarà perciò di 2,5 kg di CO2 per ogni litro di carburante.

Un carro armato Abrams M1, pesa 65 tonnellate e fa 1 km con circa 4.5 litri di carburante, quindi 450 litri per 100 km (il suo motore turbo è soprannominato "gas guzzler", l'ingozzatore di benzina). Altri tank consumano in media 200-300 litri per 100 km.

Un aereo da caccia tipo F-15E Strike Eagle or F16 Falcon
consumes about 16,200 liters per hour.

A B52 bomber consumes about 12,000 liters per hour.

An AH64 Apache helicopter gunship type consumes about 500 liters per hour.
means of support, logistics varied: we can estimate an average consumption of 1 liter
/ km.

Now we need to estimate the forces involved. The various data available on the current conflict are very variable according to sources, uncertain and not convincing. Moreover during the operation, it is classified information.

To have an order of magnitude can be based on data released after the previous conflict, "Desert Storm" February-March 1991.

For example, in Desert Storm and flew the F117 were 42 to 6900 hours in 38 days, then with an average of about 4 h / day. Other aircraft used in the operation were a total of 2400. The Abrams tanks were 1848, supporting more than 50000 vehicles.

An F15 fighter flies to more than 2000 km / h and consumes between 16,000 and 20,000 liters of kerosene per hour

were refueling in flight to an impressive volume of 675 million liters (one would fill up about 17 million cars normal), so that a pilot of F-15 said:
"There Was more gas in the sky over Saudi Than in the ground below "( Source: White Paper - Air Force Performance in Desert Storm, Department of the Air Force, April 1991) . Obviously, this is the only fuel supplied by tankers in flight and does not account for all paid directly to the ground.

At this point, assigning a fleet of more or less of such consistency, and applying a very prudent use coefficient of 1 h per day in half, you get a daily consumption of 45 million gallons of fuel (for the US-UK coalition), which must be added to the consumption of the Iraqi army and the oil wells on fire. The ships were not considered, since at least the large aircraft carriers are propelled nucleare.

In sostanza ogni giorno di guerra si consuma tanto carburante che basterebbe
a fare il pieno a 1.125.000 autovetture.

Veniamo ora alle emissioni in atmosfera: moltiplicando i 45 milioni di litri giornalieri per 2,5 kg di CO2 si hanno 112,4 milioni di kg di CO2 (cioè 112.400 tonnellate).

Poiché ogni italiano ha un carico pro-capite di emissioni pari a 9800 kg di CO2 all'anno derivante dal proprio consumo energetico, ciò significa che ogni giorno di guerra equivale all'emissione annua di circa 11.500 persone ovvero un paese come Rivarolo Canavese in provincia di Torino.

Si tratta quasi certamente di una valutazione per difetto, infatti bisogna conteggiare anche tutto il carburante consumato nei mesi precedenti per trasportare truppe e mezzi nel teatro delle operazioni e quello che inevitabilmente viene sprecato in incidenti, azioni belliche e così via, ma serve a dare un ordine di grandezza.

Tornando dunque alle valutazioni parziali del solo consumo di carburante da parte delle forze terrestri e aeree della coalizione, abbiamo che:

se la guerra dura 10 giorni: consumo 450 milioni di litri, emissioni 1,124 milioni di tonnellate di CO2 (equivalente a una città italiana di 115.000 abitanti per un anno).

se la guerra dura 30 giorni: consumo 1,35 miliardi di litri, emissioni 3,38 milioni di tonnellate di CO2 (equivalente a una città italiana di 344.000 abitanti per un anno).

Da ciò si constata come, oltre ai problemi di ordine etico che difficilmente giustificano un tale sperpero di risorse volto a danno di una nazione (quindi si preparano altri costi energetici per ricostruire quanto distrutto), un tale volume di emissioni gassose in atmosfera vanifica in pochi giorni gli sforzi di intere nazioni per ridurre i consumi e risparmiare energia, alla faccia del Protocollo di Kyoto.

Poiché l'Italia, per ottemperare agli accordi di Kyoto dovrebbe ridurre il suo carico di emissioni di circa 80 milioni di tonnellate di CO2 all'anno, pari approximately 220,000 tons per day, the daily emission resulting from the Iraq conflict is equivalent to at least half of this mass.