Saturday, December 4, 2010

Car Stereo Hidden Antenn

All in Rome on December 14

All in Rome Dec. 14 -

United against the crisis is launching a general mobilization in Rome ahead of Deputies on December 14, day on which the trust will be voted on at the Berlusconi government - We call on all social realities are mobilizing against the serious situation caused by government policies under the guise of the crisis is destroying the rights and territory. On 14 December should be a day when the word came to the thousands and thousands of workers and workers laid off and fired, students, researchers and teachers who suffer the cuts Gelmini, the people of Campania submerged by waste and the floods submerged the northern by uncontrolled development that result in disasters.

Talking must be citizens of L'Aquila, on their skin that are paying the power choices that even speculate about the tragedies, the immigrants defrauded by the fake amnesties and reduced to slaves ready to be exploited, the workers of Fiat Melfi and Pomigliano that see impose contracts halter that destroy any rights, including that of a dignified life. Should have a say in that day, in the palaces of a policy increasingly distant from real life, the many forms of insecurity, that through work and related operations of the Minister Sacconi, should be the only sad horizon of millions of people. A

Deputies should hear the voice of that part of the country is not entitled to millions in settlements of the bankers, who suffered cuts from the Minister Tremonti, perfect executor of the decisions of a Europe that wants to pay for the crisis to those who work and reward those who live in rent and speculation. In this country it is time to say stop to the impunity of the powerful, who with their cliques of businessmen have a single goal: to get rich. On December 14, must become the day of true democracy, that built and defended by citizens and not the image with which the government covers and justifies injustice.

On 14 December we also appeal to the world of culture, music, film, theater, art, hit by cuts at Bondi that in addition to priceless treasures are likely to bring down the lives of hundreds of thousands of people working there.

invite below Deputies who work in the world of information, constantly threatened by the arrogance of Berlusconi, we encourage those who struggle for housing rights, forced to live on the street while the leader has lost count of his possessions. It 'time so that the Italian is heard, all together, united, to say that Berlusconi's government has no confidence and should resign! The fall of the executive must also mean the fall of all the unjust laws that privatize public goods such as water or cut resources for the company to divert the costs of war or great works of unnecessary and harmful. On 14 December

square of Deputies will remove the trust, and in fact beyond any possible arrangement of the building, policies dell'austerity, because this crisis must pay for those who have caused, and that such taxing their rendite finanziarie miliardarie, a favore delle politiche sociali e in difesa di chi lavora e produce ricchezza.

Mobilitiamoci tutti, uniti contro la crisi che vogliono farci pagare, uniti perchè in crisi vada il governo e le sue politiche!

14 dicembre tutti a Montecitorio!


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