Thursday, January 20, 2011

Power By

Mein Kind (?)

are Milan, I've said many times. But they are also of Calabrian origin and it is this that most of the south half note in my appearance. I have seen Italians abroad marveling at the stark contrast between the face brazenly Mediterranean - brown hair and thick, massive nose Calabria - and spoken clearly Milanese - so different idiot, bike with the open and so on.
Without prejudice to these conditions I was expecting my baby was beautiful in the world terroncello like me, that is, dark and hairy. It is clear that I do not want to offend anyone by saying so, I know exactly what I'm talking about!
But who would have thought ... a shock at first sight!

Already during childbirth, the midwife said to me: you see the hair!
I say, hooray! What color are they? - I was expecting "schwarz" (blacks).
How blonde? Safe?

will have seen evil. Or want to make fun out of spite. It would also have all the reasons I have seen how insulted in two languages, even coining profanity then and there, to get a goddamn epidural as she tried to convince me that diaphragmatic breathing combined with aromatherapy have eased all the pain. Then I apologized though.

In any case, after another hour of push, PRESSES, drucken, schieben, go to make it, still, noch Mal, weiter so .... Here is that my baby is born.
me put it on my belly and after the tears are a fountain of emotion and hormonal discharge meeting the vision and looked at him very well.

is blond.
is a photocopy of his father.

I weigh and measure: 3740 g for 52 cm. A giant!
Now, who knows me knows: I have always been a breadstick. Never exceeded 50 kg. 1.65 high and then not a giant.
But how is this possible?
begin to ask a tutti: è così grande perché ho mangiato troppe schifezze durante la gravidanza? In effetti ho messo su 23 kg (!), quasi tutti di pancia però.
No - mi sento dire - è una questione genetica.
Che strano però, io pesavo esattamente 1 kg in meno.
Sven, quanto pesavi tu?
3600 g…ma sono nato con 4 settimane di anticipo.
Allora è colpa tua!!! Hai idea del male che mi ha fatto uscendo? E sai quanto pesava la pancia nelle ultime settimane? E se pesa già adesso così tanto mi spieghi tra due mesi come cavolo faccio a sollevarlo?

È biondo.
È la fotocopia di suo padre.
È crucco!


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