Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quadriderm Cream Clear Face



On 28 January, along with the metal workers, strikes and demonstrations all categories of public and private employees (except urban transport strike that the 26) and in schools and universities over- teachers, administrative staff and Ata-block activities students protagonists of the uprising of anti-Gelmini recent months.

COBAS I have in fact extended to all workers and workers that the strike was called only for Fiom metalworkers, after having vainly tried to generalize it by CGIL, which also has flatly refused for fear of the extent of fight against the arrogance and main government

E 'that a strike against the economic power that has dragged Italy into the most serious crisis in the postwar period, and that, instead of paying for its destructive work, trying to dismantle what remains of achievements of employees and / and popular sectors, against the Berlusconi government that exacerbate the liberal policies of the previous Prodi government, has canceled hundreds of thousands of jobs in factories and public buildings (from the school: 140 000 fewer seats and mass expulsion of temporary workers), imposed disastrous "reforms" of the school and the university, stuck in the public service contracts and seized the bargaining and employment rights and union with the decree Brunetta, against a parasitic and reactionary bosses, who, led by the head-band Marchionne, Fiat, is taking up what remains of the rights of workers.

The splendid response of the workers of Mirafiori (which these days intensify resistance to the dictates Fiat with the establishment of the Coordination of Employees in layoff) Agreement-shame imposed by Marchionne strengthens the foundations on which to rest general strike and the initiatives of the square which will take place at the regional level be convened by COBAS and Fiom.

This banner will open the regional events to be held January 28 in the next day the general strike proclaimed by the category Fiom

To sign our you can appeal address to our delegates, our delegates to the territorial Fiom or via the website by clicking here

Appeals Appel Petition

We called him metalworkers' strike for 28 January, is a key step for the reconquest of the National Agreement and the Protection of Human Rights in the workplace.

The choice made by the body of the Fiat Mirafiori and Pomigliano D'Arco is an act unconstitutional, undemocratic and authoritarian without unprecedented in the history of labor relations in our country since the war.

The events promoted by the COBAS be held in Rome (pcs. Republic h. 10), Turin (Porta Susa h. 9), CAGLIARI (pcs. Giovanni XXIII 10 h. ) PALERMO (pcs. Politeama h. 9.30), BARI (pcs. Castle h. 9), FLORENCE (pcs. S. Marco h. 9), NAPLES (Pomigliano Circumvesuviana Old h. 10), SALERNO (pcs. Railway h. 9.30), GENOA (pcs. Loading h. 9), TRIESTE (pcs. Stock Exchange h. 10), LIVORNO (pcs. Cavour h. 9), PADOVA (h. Railway Station 9), POWER (S. Nicola di Melfi, Fiat-Sata, h. 9.30), LAUNCH ( Chieti) (P. Plebiscito, h.10) TERNI (square Tacitus h. 9), SYRACUSE traveling garrison at the gates of industrial area of \u200b\u200bPriolo, Melilli and Augusta .

converge The Jan. 28 strike and demonstrations in the wider social front to beat the agreements, Shame, and the main liberal government, the rampant insecurity, to expose the fake "opposition" parliamentary and trade unions collaborators, to regain the jobs, income, pensions, education and other public welfare facilities, common goods, democracy in the workplace and in society.


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