Monday, November 22, 2010

Reef Sandals With Flask

the evening comes Alien

Ci sono tantissime cose sulla gravidanza che non si sanno finché non è il proprio turno oppure che non vengono dette per pudore o per non spaventare il prossimo.

Una però devo svelarla per salvare le deboli di cuore e prevenire infarti serali a partire dalla venticinquesima settimana circa.

Si sa, a un certo punto il bambino comincia a muoversi nel ventre materno. Come si sente dire spesso, i primi movimenti sono appena percettibili, si sente una specie di sbollicìo che viene scambiato con movimenti gastrici già noti specie dopo pietanze a base di legumi o cavoli. Quando però le bollicine persistono per qualche secondo e si realizza che l’ultima pasta and beans goes back to a week before you open a brand new world of sensations and the pregnancy begins to become real.

movements are becoming more distinct and regular, after a while 'lying down you can see a tremor along the belly. Then comes the sob. Did you know? The children already have the hiccups in the womb! You can recognize because they feel the rhythmic beats located at a point ... and there's nothing you can do to stop him, if he should keep the baby until he passes.

But the real shock came after approx. 27 weeks - at least in my case.

Every night I I oil the belly Sven. This is to prevent stretch marks. That both are the same so I invite all to resign. Both the timing of the belly, T-shirts and skimpy thong on the beach are thankfully gone. And then as a friend of mine said: "I bought a very expensive oil but even if we had put the holy water would not have helped anything."

Sven that the oil is practically useless do not know (or at least did not know until now ... sorry baby) and I enjoy every night a wonderful aromatic massage, relaxing and tender. But: my relaxation is inversely proportional to that of the child. Once the sweet hands of my wife si staccano inizia lo show di Alien. La pancia comincia a deformarsi, la presenza interna si lamenta perché è stata svegliata o forse perché ne vuole ancora. Gobbe, montagnette, bozze, bolle…il sedere sporge da una parte, un ginocchio si stira dall’altra. E l’ombelico si alza e riscende, i lati si allargano e si restringono, tutto a destra eeh, tutto a sinistra ooh.

Sveeeeeeen, questo vuole bucare la pancia e uscire!!!!

La prima volta fa paura.

Ma non fa male, per niente.

Finché il mostrino non impara quanto è divertente prendere a calci le costole o puntare un calcagno the left kidney.

more you go ahead with the pregnancy and more Alien becomes violent and agitated. Poor thing, has less and less room to move around and try to turn around with all his might.

They say that children do not see outside the belly, and because it is also easy to understand. So how the hell do I know when my bet we have the camera to pick up the stunts or when there is the public wants to see it move? When should perform officially remains perfectly still, even pushing the "button", that is when I press the navel that now sticks out like the doorknob.

However, fear, distortion and low blows apart, there is one thing that makes it priceless: the future father looking with eyes wide open, every day more and more incredulous, is close to the belly and began singing with mouth closed with deep sounds to soothe your baby. Hormones are the tears of emotion but I can not avoid them!


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