Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soft High Cervix Before Period

Men pushing

Prima la domenica si mettevano in sella alla moto o si issavano sulla bici da corsa e si lasciavano trasportare dal vento, dall’ebbrezza della velocità, trascinati da un senso di libertà unico che, sapevano, sarebbe terminato inesorabilmente la mattina dopo, costretti al risveglio forzato per andare al lavoro.
Ora le cose sono cambiate. Questi uomini la domenica non si lasciano più trascinare e non vengono trasportati ma li vedi al parco a spingere. La carrozzina. E ne sono fieri.
Il parco la domenica pomeriggio è un via vai di atleti, cani e padroni, pochi grigliatori pazzi che accendono la carbonella nonostante i 3 gradi, genitori con bambini a piedi e coppie con carrozzina.
Classico quadretto invernale.
Lui spinge la carrozzina senza guanti camminando con un bel passo allegro. Lei lo segue arrancando qualche metro più indietro, le gambe appena larghe, leggermente curva in avanti perché still a bit 'annoyed by the cut - be it caesarean or should be ...', we overlook.
comes from the opposite direction with another couple in this wheelchair, and if the father is pushing, you just look back. At the intersection
men now look to throw the enemy stroller, compare the wheels, comparing the frames, comparing the curves. Even new mothers compare curves "a judge from sitting even say who gave birth a week ago."
Then pass a cyclist on a Giant super sports brand and for a moment the two dads are joined in solidarity in the nostalgia of old times, beautiful Sunday outings in solitary who knows when they return.

I had never seen so many people pushing! Or maybe I never noticed.

with us how it works: we put the baby in the pram and I do not even have time to close the door to the big blond (both being blonde now they distinctions with adjectives of measure) has already left. "Sven, if you push me, you do not have gloves." "No, no, for now I push myself, when I get bored I'll tell you."
not stuferà. She loves taking sharp turns, making the coil, bounce on the handlebars.
The blond little sleep inside that is a marvel, even the deeper holes or steps steepest him awake. And the cold not even noticing, a sign more than obvious that half of the blood brand is German!


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