Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monster Energy Coloring Games

A drawing of Mario Bava

It's been over a year since I last updated this blog - the fault of the work, laziness and infernal seduction of microblogging on Facebook. I promise not to shoot at a good pace, but I would at least try to recover a little, and the excuse is this scan of an old color photocopy.

The original belongs to Daria Nicolodi, who allowed me to photocopy when interviewed on "Opera" Mad Movies. The director Jean-Pierre Putters decided not to publish this picture and I think we do not yet have never seen. It is a caricature of Nicolodi in Shock , Bava's last film for the cinema. The boy is the son of the protagonist, and design The actress suffers simultaneously all the tortures that are inflicted in history.

The design hides a -private joke between the plaintiff and Light same: according to Nicolodi, the producer Turi Vasile not considered the ideal choice for the heroine, and had tried many different hair styles while Light was willing to let you have the choice. In the end, Vasile was asked to dub the actress holding her voice too masculine. In the original design, then, the picture that Nicolodi holds is cropped on three sides. Lifting, one reads the words "Mom, I owe you double."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sister Boobs Touching

Report politikon philosophy horizontal-February 19, 2011 Ex-SNIA

Report politikon-philosophy horizontal

On 19 February, at the 16th birthday of CSOA Ex-SNIA, a meeting was held flat on the philosophical theme of "The Politics".

has formed a group of about 15 members.

E 'was read with a short text that Discussion followed about an hour.

The text is an adaptation used by Paolo Rossi for his monologue, freely adapted from the famous speech of Pericles to the Athenians set out in "The War Peloponnese, Tucidite of Book II, 33-46 (

Address to Athens (Pericles 461 BC). Adapted from Paolo Rossi

Here our government favors the many instead of just a few:
and this is called democracy.
Here in Athens we do like.

laws here provide equal justice for all
in their private disputes, but we never ignore the merits of excellence.

When a citizen stands, then it will be, in preference to other
, called to serve the state, but not as an act of privilege as a
reward merit, and poverty is not an impediment.

Here in Athens we do like.

The freedom we enjoy extends also to their daily life, we do not
we are suspicious of each other and do not ever annoy our next
if our neighbor like to live in his own way.
We are free, free to live just like we like
and yet we are always ready to face any danger.

An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs while waiting to
own private affairs, but especially not address the public
business to solve his private matters.

Here in Athens we do like.

We have been taught to respect the magistrates , and we have been taught
also to respect the laws and to never forget that we must protect those who receive

And we were also taught to observe those unwritten laws that
reside in the universal sense of what is right and what is
common sense.

Here in Athens we do like.

A man who does not care about the state we do not consider it harmless, but useless
, and although a few are able to give life to a
politics, all well here in Athens we can judge it.

We do not regard the discussion as an obstacle on the path of democracy
We believe that happiness is the fruit of freedom, but freedom is only the fruit of

So, I proclaim that Athens is the school of Hellas, and that every Athenian
growing developing in him a happy versatility, self-confidence,
readiness to face any situation and that is why
that our city is open to the world and we never expel a foreigner .

Here in Athens we do like

Questions raised:

- What would be the merit, excellence, value?

- In these "many" are included slaves and women?

- There is good? And the bad?

- The past can be a guide for this?

- History and past meets?

- Why do not you use more than a meritocracy?

- Why is the reward of merit must be the service to the state?

- If meritocracy has failed (Athens), we have hope?

- Why only few are able to create a policy?

- The state is on what?

- What "value" is the result of freedom today?

- Common sense and the laws are in contradiction?

Discussion topic chosen: " Common sense and the laws are in contradiction? "

First we tried to figure out what was common sense, the unwritten laws. Even here it was difficult to agree, because if common sense is not shared by everyone is not a "common sense" that applies to everyone, so it's not common sense because it should be something on which everyone agrees.

There has been talk of common sense as an expression of culture and society of a historical period and the fact that the law tends to overlap with the common sense but sometimes it is historically overtaken by social change. So sometimes the law and common sense do not match. Someone said that if there was a shared common sense laws not needed and would a repressive apparatus to enforce them. One answer was that the laws are there because there is a shared common sense.

Others have continued to talk and discuss on the benches of the brewery for a long time yet, but the musical evening had already begun ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Best Mid Range Cell Phone 2010

Return sole

For the first time since the baby was born I have done something only to me. I went swimming with my girls but ex whales, Melanie, Ruth, and Jana. And above all without stomach.
objective, possible or impossible, which is: go back as before - that is, a sole.
Being the first time in the pool not to be pregnant whale was also the first time I swam in a pool of over cabbage as a normal user. And I must say it was a weird experience.
First, in Germany no one uses the headset. I know he does a bit 'disgusting but true. But I use it, if only not to swim with the fringe on the spread Beijing-style front.
Then you forgot about the slippers at home? So what? Barefoot and forth, which will never be. And yes when I was small warts were the terror of children, second only to the fear of the red circle may surround if you pee in the water - among other things, I recently found out that it is not true! And
shower: there after you swim naked in the shower and there is just a walk for the more modest or for Muslims.
But talk of the bath. I remember when I used to swim in Milan, the pool was divided into six lanes with floating wires. Here there is only one lane and is restricted to "time-Schwimmer", ie those that swim fast. For the rest of utter anarchy reigns. If you pick the right trail and you can coordinate with others so much the better but if there's mussels are pain! Mussels are the ladies who take to the shoreline of the pool and walk slowly in Gabicce Mare clinging to each other, exchanging recipes for the weekend and talking of the most glamorous events of the day, such that the daughter is has made a horrible hair color, the closer has not cleaned well the scale, the Edeka supermarket at Quark's on offer. Do not move from the center of the pool even if a swimmer comes all strokes and sketches. They prefer to take the risk of investing. The pool is all the swimmer chi si crede di essere? Per lui c’è la corsia apposita e non importa se sono già in 50 a nuotarci! E poi in fondo le cozze sperano di essere colpite per il gusto meschino di andare a lamentarsi con il bagnino. La cozza esce e si dirige verso la sedia del bagnino il quale, avendo già capito che aria tira, alza gli occhi al cielo e fa un bel respiro prima di sentirsi la menata. Dopo il poveraccio è costretto a richiamare il nuotatore. E lo fa a malincuore perché lo sa benissimo che la piscina è fatta per nuotare e non per bagnarsi come al mare. Il nuotatore giustamente protesta, rientra in acqua sbuffando e mi guarda. Allora io gli dico: “ma è una cosa mai vista, ma come è possibile! Che almeno si mettano vicino al bordo!”. He says, "really, not I can slalom between the old ladies." And I, "should make at least two lanes for swimmers, it might be better." He said, "just, in fact, I have come to train here." Then silence. The swimmer (stress) German realizes that he is talking to a stranger, for more in a bathing suit. Mica that the stranger think he is trying. Or even worse, and if it was the unknown to try with him? Just grab the reason of embarrassment and I would tell him "no no, not I'm trying, indeed! I just had a baby and I'm swimming because I want to get back into shape. " But in the end that matters to the guy? I refer to do vasche.
Ma non è finita! Dopo le cozze arriva una categoria ben peggiore: i pinguini cioè i bambini! E non a torto si chiamano così visto che si arrampicano sul trampolino e si buttano di pancia, quasi spiaccicano un povero nuotatore a rana. Tempo mezz’ora e davanti alla scaletta del trampolino c’è la coda, il silenzio rilassante che cercavo da settimane è scomparso. È un chiaro segnale che è arrivata l’ora di andare.
Prima di uscire chiedo al ragazzo alla cassa quale sia secondo lui l’orario migliore per andare a nuotare il venerdì, quello con meno bambini, tanto per intenderci. Lui mi guarda come se fossi una disgraziata infanticida e mi dice stizzito che se i bambini sono in vacanza vengono anche di mattina e che comunque dopo la scuola ce ne sono sempre. Io avrei voglia di dirgli “ma no, cosa hai capito, a me i bambini piacciono. Anzi, ne ho uno pure io. E infatti vengo a nuotare proprio perché…”. Nel frattempo ripassa il nuotatore di prima e mi guarda come per dire “ci provi anche col cassiere eh?” e io che vorrei dirgli “ma no, cosa hai capito! Guarda che io ho un bambino, anzi, vengo a nuotare proprio perché…”

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Fuel Econmy Truck

Saturday, February 19 philosophy birthday DUB to Ex-SNIA

Neurologists are with
Country, Lion's Way, Bababoom
HI FI on Real Rock for the 16th of cpmleanno CSOA Ex-SNIA
main Via Roma 172

politikon from 21 trials of Philosophy horizontal by the Coxs

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lady Barbara Stocking

Around Agriletizia

Bolgheri Bolgheri is a fraction of the town of Castagneto Carducci. Located in the center of the Etruscan Coast.
The picturesque village has developed around the castle situated on a small hill, reachable through the
"Avenue of Cypresses" (almost 5 km long). The place is famous thanks to G. Carducci, who dedicated lines in the poem "In front of San Guido." E 'was also the small resort G. Carducci, for many years, who spent her summers with her grandmother.

Cypress avenue




Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simple Lease Agreement

Around Agriletizia

Torre Mozza

A Agriletizia few miles to find a very beautiful and evocative called Torre crops, whose name derives from an ancient tower, located on the beach. The sea is special because there are two deep water due to a Roman road that rises from the surface of that sea about 10 meters from the beach.

Goodbye all'Agriletizia and the wonderful places from nearby ...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cellulitis Pathophysiology Diagram

Some nearby Agriletizia


The Gulf of Follonica is a few miles from the hotel, with its beautiful sandy beaches.

The   Gulf of   Follonica   is   a few   miles   from Agriletizia ,   with its   beautiful   sandy   beaches .



 La località sorge alle pendici del  Poggio Talamonaccio .  Le spiagge di Bengodi, dell'Osa e della Puntata sono rinomate e attrezzate spiagge di Fonteblanda che attirano in estate numerosi turisti da tutta  Europa .


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soft High Cervix Before Period

Men pushing

Prima la domenica si mettevano in sella alla moto o si issavano sulla bici da corsa e si lasciavano trasportare dal vento, dall’ebbrezza della velocità, trascinati da un senso di libertà unico che, sapevano, sarebbe terminato inesorabilmente la mattina dopo, costretti al risveglio forzato per andare al lavoro.
Ora le cose sono cambiate. Questi uomini la domenica non si lasciano più trascinare e non vengono trasportati ma li vedi al parco a spingere. La carrozzina. E ne sono fieri.
Il parco la domenica pomeriggio è un via vai di atleti, cani e padroni, pochi grigliatori pazzi che accendono la carbonella nonostante i 3 gradi, genitori con bambini a piedi e coppie con carrozzina.
Classico quadretto invernale.
Lui spinge la carrozzina senza guanti camminando con un bel passo allegro. Lei lo segue arrancando qualche metro più indietro, le gambe appena larghe, leggermente curva in avanti perché still a bit 'annoyed by the cut - be it caesarean or should be ...', we overlook.
comes from the opposite direction with another couple in this wheelchair, and if the father is pushing, you just look back. At the intersection
men now look to throw the enemy stroller, compare the wheels, comparing the frames, comparing the curves. Even new mothers compare curves "a judge from sitting even say who gave birth a week ago."
Then pass a cyclist on a Giant super sports brand and for a moment the two dads are joined in solidarity in the nostalgia of old times, beautiful Sunday outings in solitary who knows when they return.

I had never seen so many people pushing! Or maybe I never noticed.

with us how it works: we put the baby in the pram and I do not even have time to close the door to the big blond (both being blonde now they distinctions with adjectives of measure) has already left. "Sven, if you push me, you do not have gloves." "No, no, for now I push myself, when I get bored I'll tell you."
not stuferà. She loves taking sharp turns, making the coil, bounce on the handlebars.
The blond little sleep inside that is a marvel, even the deeper holes or steps steepest him awake. And the cold not even noticing, a sign more than obvious that half of the blood brand is German!