Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Financial Calculator For Cfa

student house, judicial investigations and future

Examples of disasters italioti
by Alessandra Racca (Lab of self-reform ADISU P.za de Cristofaris) and Carmelo R Manyara (Lab self-reform ADISU of Mandrione)

Passaggi della relazione della corte dei conti del marzo 2003 che metteva il dito sulla malagestione dell’edilizia universitaria all’Aquila.

Vi si parla di « opere incompiute », di « manutenzione non attuata », di « eccessiva frammentazione dei lavori », di « affidamento immotivato a trattativa privata » o motivato in base a una normativa « largamente superata dalle leggi comunitarie ». E soprattutto, a pagina 29, si legge che «una esatta programmazione delle esigenze dell’università dovrebbe avere as a prerequisite Capital accurate detection, even with regard to scope, status and location of buildings, something for which the University is still in breach of the Eagle. "The tragic story of the student house is at the heart of the Eagle investigation initiated by the prosecutor of the capital. On the night of April 6, eight students lost their lives, now impounded, but it is easy to see which are the responsibility of the university. By the turn of the judicial case has been opened Abruzzo find the people responsible for the collapse and left the game in the match between the region, universities and municipalities. The management of apartment hotels is entrusted all'Adsu, the company for the right to study regional, but it is unclear what were the relationships with the university and town as the President (outgoing) of the Board of Directors and Luca D'Innocenzo, neoassessore with local delegates to the campus, and that - after the quake - are popping up a little holiday for the students' everywhere, never used. The last, Casale Marinangeli, can accommodate 35 people and damaged by the earthquake. But in the past there was talk of building ex-Inam, for which it had been in negotiations with the owner of the local health authority. Just days before the tragedy there were those who denounced a heavy scissors Funds for the right to higher education and cutting the number of beds available to low-income students. "You go from 7 million 400 thousand and € 5 million provided last year to this year," he wrote Camillo D'Alessandro, 33 years, leader of the Democratic Party in the region, a search in the April 3, 2009. A short-sighted choice as universities such as the Eagle, with its 27 thousand students (half of which are made off), was the largest company in the city. And a few days before students had signed a 2700 petition to restore the previous funds "that had allowed in recent years, considerable expansion of services to all students and increased considerevole dei posti letto».In realtà il rimpallo delle responsabilità di oggi è lo specchio di uno status ambiguo come quello del diritto allo studio in Italia. In teoria quando lo studente è a lezione è sotto la responsabilità dell’università, quando dorme di quella della regione. Nel terremoto del 6 aprile sono crollate anche aule universitarie, facoltà, uffici ma tutto è fortunatamente accaduto di notte. Come ammette Luciano Modica, senatore del Pd ed ex presidente della Conferenza dei rettori, «la questione del diritto allo studio in effetti non è mai stata risolta del tutto. Con la trasformazione dell’ex Opera universitaria in Adsu la competenza è passata alle regioni ma così non può continue. The rector of the Eagle, Ferdinando Di Iorio, said to be quiet on the investigation of the prosecution. The cards collected by the magistrates speak, including a restructuring of the other, the passage of the "control" of the House of the student body at the university from the region for the right to study, just ADSU, whose technical director, Pietro Sebastiani , architect, not yet investigated but should soon be heard by the prosecutor.

The only answer I can give the system Italiot are


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