Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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Confessions Italian "

by AP

How many of my countrymen, I left Albania with the intention of finding a better personal fulfillment, here in Italy years ago. The intention was to grow up in a different way, in a foreign country that I knew because of television and radio. A rich country, culturally envied by all, with a kind and unique landscapes, with a capital city that smells of history and antiquities. Out of the box everything television, constantly thrown between a biscuit and a Pavesini of Barilla pasta dish, could not fail to be a certain appetite for the "Our America". It must be said that are neither run away from home and I divorced from my country, but from a mere eighteen ho deciso di "cambiare aria" ed aprirmi al paese dei sogni di tante generazioni di albanesi che fino ai primi anni Novanta, ascoltavano di nascosto il festival di Sanremo o Canzonissima, mettendo a repentaglio il proprio futuro (si poteva essere accusati di agitazione e propaganda dal regime autoritario comunista). Dopo nove anni vissuto nella nostra America, il sogno si è esaurito e la realtà confusa in cui si trova questo paese, mi impedisce di averne dei nuovi. Ho imparato tanto in questi anni, ho perfezionato il mio italiano, e sto consocendo l'Italia non più della televisione, ma semplicemente aprendo la porta di casa. Dalla tivù ho imparato a diffidare ed ultimamente anche a difendermi e dei biscotti e della pasta ne sono pieno. La più evident truth which comes almost immediately, and there is no one Italy, or the difference between the parts of the country are enormous. You can tell from the language spoken by the physiognomy, the kitchen and also, unfortunately, from individual paychecks. An artificial country divided into territorial units, here called regions, and that in recent years, the prevailing political will want even more divided. The few opportunities to see the land of Dante and Petrarch, of Julius Caesar and Garibaldi, truly united and enveloped in the thick veil of nationalism partiottico you have only when you win the World Cup, or, as unfortunately happened a month ago in Abruzzo in cases of natural disasters. But during the World Cup the balconies and windows, you see them covered from the flag and everyone sings the national anthem. However, in both cases, after the curtain falls, it usually returns to the division and the diversity of everyday life.
update your calendar of the gossip and events of greater importance in the life of the beautiful country (usually two or three a week) than that alien made me think more about the present and future, were the arguments and lengthy discussions immigration. The helmsman of the majority of Italian politics have changed decisively broken and newspapers and television networks important to lend a hand. The image of "Our America" \u200b\u200bis changing. Even the coasts of the Maghreb, the images of biscuits and pasta successors advertising financed by the Italian government that invite the viewer not to believe the promised land and to abandon the long sea voyage that takes you into the world of opportunities. Who did not understand the message, or who did not have the TV and started however, on a barge headed for "Eldorado", a short time ago was sent back as a criminal. As we hear these days: "The free ride is over !!!".
multiculturalism, integration, globalization and security, if the first words were of little understood or complicated, you are now emptied of all meaning. Punch in the country of some major players are tired of hosting ungrateful steal work to the Italians, the former EU-country who can only rape, bearded infidel fundamentalist who pray to gods, gypsies orcs, which diminishes the kebab pizza etc, etc, etc.. Multiculturalism in contemporary Italian translated means the difference between immigrants treated as a homogeneous group of foreigners and southerners and polentun treated as a homogeneous population of Italians. Integration means getting by privately to survive. Globalization means only the free movement of capital and goods but not the people. Security is fear, patrols, militarization of urban centers and cuts in the funds of the state police. I do not know how much time remains until a possible "Kristallnacht".
So described, this country seems ready to collapse and the collective delirium, but these are only the first stirrings of a xenophobic tendency that characterizes in general, a Europe in crisis moral and economic. And you know, in times of crisis, popular frustration, acneh induced by complex political and mass media segments pours almost always sull'annello weak society, we, immigrants, considered a threat to "Compact nation" rather than a resource ( economically exploited to the maximum). For years, we who were from the eastern part of the Iron Curtain, we were accused of violating rights, create terror, to deny freedom and prevent the development, by being on those who parte occidentale, si professavano paladini della giustizia e padroni assoluti di una superiorità morale e democratica indiscussa.
Dopo solo venti anni, dallo squarcio di quella cortina e con l'afflusso di masse di disperati verso i paesi virtuosi e paradisiaci, i promotori della democrazia all'occidentale si stanno adesso sconfessando da soli, giorno dopo giorno. Comunque la speranza è l'ultima a morire, ma non lo so come se la possano cavare la dignità ed il rispetto...Mi manca l'Italia che consocevo da ragazzino.


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