Thursday, May 28, 2009

Softball Poems Quotes


by Wafa Ahmed Said (Lab ADISU self-reform of the university residence at Tor Bella Monaca) and Carmelo Mannara R ( Lab of self-reform ADISU Mandrione)

Echoing an article by Max Calandri, journalist of La Repubblica, tell a small but very effective example of neoRazzismo of Italian origin: One day
-entered in aula la preside, ha preso un gessetto e si è messa a scrivere sulla lavagna un elenco di alunni.Ha fatto lo stesso in tutte le classi e nelle tre scuole del plesso, e quando non tracciava la sua lista era perché pronunciava ad alta voce i nomi degli studenti.Nomi di origine straniera. Nomi di presunti, futuri clandestini. Di prossimi fuorilegge.Nomi di ragazzi che nel corso dell’anno scolastico avrebbero compiuto il diciottesimo anno di età, e che non avevano chiarito la loro posizione ai sensi del futuro permesso di soggiorno.Perché in Italia si può diventare degli irregolari per quello che si è, non per quello che si fa: basta raggiungere la maggiore età e avere dei genitori privi di permesso, o peggio ancora residenti in una casa too small, or holding an income deemed insufficiente.Prudente and precise, the headmaster - Rosanna Cipollina - has produced a staggering list of students 'at risk'. And somehow made it pubblica.Si is justified by claiming to have written those names on the board because he was afraid to make mistakes otherwise the pronunciation, and that this was simply a call as soon as the relevant documents that segreteria.Cosa students have done regularly over the following days, confirming their 'regular' presence on the territory italiano.E 'success in the institute for professional trade Casaregis to Sampierdarena, merged into the other two school facilities, the institute Technical High Galilei el'Einaudi. Several teachers have signed an angry letter, sent to the Director of Education and at the same preside.Abbiamo tried to contact her, but there was nothing to fare.Ci are unfortunately good reasons to believe that this story does not end qui.L 'unprecedented incident, which happened a few months ago, is back on the lips of many in these days when the Parliament legislates on crime clandestinità.Lo also recalled Paul Quatrida, Secretary General of the Federation of Knowledge Workers: Dozens foreign-born students who attend high school and do the Genoese during this eighteen year scolastico.Rischiano to finish all in an ignoble blacklist? "A serious problem, a horrible story," says Quatrida. Children do not need a non-EU residence permit. "In general the institutions, when they reach adulthood, they pretend nothing: do not go to see if students will automatically become" regular. " But the question becomes inevitable when the boys say the exam. In the past there has circumvented the issue by a temporary visa.
Some time ago, we told in the article "Students all'Adisu forever", how the Italian company, and in the context of a small college in Tor Bella Monaca, has become xenophobic and disintegrated.
In our view, starting from our experience of life in the student community, it all starts with a change of attitude, a passing of a typical Italian provincialism, of mistrust, of being able to communicate, succeed in the ghetto or not to withdraw into themselves, because the respect for dignity ' human is a cornerstone of the great values \u200b\u200bmondiali.Di here, the alarm over the country to register in our new worrying manifestations, as the principal examples of racist or entities who consider him as a foreigner to be insignificant, inhuman measures, the legalization of political parties and associations clearly xenophobic, because nothing can 'justify contempt and racial discrimination. And all this with a more aggravente: non-presence in the body empowered to represent the anti-racist forces, able to suggest measures to overcome racial differences and human, while a principal you can afford the luxury of writing the names of "illegal" to lavagna.Di these days anything can happen. We are sure that the worst is yet to come, only a cry of anger can take us: the Italian system shame!



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