Monday, June 1, 2009

Motor Accident Diagram

Survey: If you pay 400 euro is a custom

a cura del Lab Autoriforma Adisu

Serena, 26 anni, vive a Largo Preneste con altri 3 coetanei: «Sarò costretta a dividere la mia singola con un altro,il costo sarebbe di 500 euro,almeno dimezzo le spese e non vado a vivere sotto un ponte». L’arte dell’arrangiarsi è il nuovo modello di sviluppo che il sitema italiano offre: la penuria spaces, the extra cost, breakfast, lunch and dinner have also created an ad hoc type of room, "the single reduced. A hole that takes the name of the room, a light dimmed, a mobile cabinet to divide an area into two areas: in short, you're alone in the room with the little privacy that remains, and it is suitable for tight spaces. So did Joseph, 25, student of Economics at Tor Vergata, at his home in Numidio Square: "We are me, my cousin and two girls in the 45 meters, you are not getting better." Word of mouth, advertisements in university boards (where you can also find the annucia of racist idiots who write not Romanian), newspaper insertion, hospitality short limit for those fortunate enough to know someone who is willing, remain the main pretext for the student looking for housing: the most popular hunting takes place between May / June and September / October, the months of entrance test and pre -entries. Without considering the rest of the year, when the landlord you hunt off with the excuse that the music disturbs the neighbors, or because you do not find friendly people, or create conflicts within the same apartment, or because the building speculators, indiscriminately, you increase the rent with the statement "are times of crisis."
In most cases, you will be sent away because they did not have a lease, you do not have even allowed to participate in the application of that wretched scholarship.

The initiative launched in 2007 by the Lazio Region, to adjust (and moderation) rents for students, the Agency leases, has not solved the problem. "It spread the idea that paying 400 € for a room is normal, that's the point - he says Abban, 28, Iranian graduate in Architecture, a former resident in the accommodation ADISU - but those coming from outside, and my case from a foreign country is burdened with numerous other expenses necessary to study and work. " It grows because the number of working students with no rules or non-union: "Precarious life - raises Marco, 23, law student, a former resident of the accommodation ADISU - unfortunately you get used to the custom, as the laws that are adopted or natural law."

LIVING cheap
the evening, closed the books for those lucky enough to still be maintained by their parents and so if you have the space to devote to drink general, students are appealing to the Roman nightlife low-cost. Dinner is replaced by open buffet at best. And the drunk in the pub, with the arrival of summer, alternating with a beer bought at the supermarket or pizza cheaper, "If I do not do so, there would be no social- said Francis, a student of Arts - in this I must say Rome manages to make you fit, in some districts especially, there are rooms for all budgets, some friendly and social space occupied at the end you can enjoy the same. " And the most popular by students still Pigneto, San Lorenzo, Testaccio and Garbatella: "I more than anything else in San Lorenzo - says Gianluca, Science Communications, also a former resident in a dormitory - to motor machine or I have to stay close to home, if friends do not pass me to take: if the public transport network would be easier to experience the city, instead of waiting for the night that runs every hour or always with a clear delay. "" To combat the crisis - Gianluca ends - must be imaginative, invent something, besides the classic spaghetti with friends or infiltrate a party or get hold of students near the university. " Cinema and theater, when they are not superfattibili remain a dream or an imagination that does not exist: "They cost too much, but culture should be free and accessible to all." For the cinema, there is a way out: it is always a Wednesday. A reduced fee, of course, because the free is still a dream. If we consider the thousands of students off-site, and very few places in accommodation provided by the Region, the 4-5-6 case owned by a resident of Rome-building speculators who rent to students, temporary apartments from € 2000 per month to tens of miles from the University or from work, life becomes unmanageable.



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