Saturday, October 10, 2009

Certificate Of Conversion Georgiasample

Ten minutes with Joe Dante

Curiously enough, in twenty-five years that do this work I had not even ever gotten the chance to interview Joe Dante. I had often spoken with John Landis, who has always been his good friend and who a few years ago accused him of having, as the only limit, excessive lack of ambition in relation to its potential ... an opinion that was also happy to renege on the occasion of the first season of "Masters of Horror" is the story of John and Dante were to be reported among the best in the series, "but my," said John at the festival Turin, "is deliberately stupid, while Joe took the opportunity to say something important. "This was something important to the tasty Homecoming ( Hence my post about it on it.arti.cinema ) a history of zombies who was also a strong stand against Bush's choices and his administration - designed to come at a time when rail against Bush was not granted.

time, with Dante could not exchange more than a greeting to me when John presented during a breakfast - and even when one of the evening, I attended a dinner with the Masters of Horror in Turin, I preferred to remain silent, almost always enjoy the banter fra due parlatori accaniti come Landis e Dante - anche se ricordo che parlammo un po' di Doppio Audio , il programma che facevo allora per Raisat Cinema, e che a Dante l'idea era piaciuta molto. Dubito che sia partita da lì la sua iniziativa, annunciata qualche tempo dopo, del meraviglioso sito Trailers from Hell , in cui vecchi prossimamente di film di serie B sono commentati in audio da celebri registi o sceneggiatori - ma mi piace pensare che fra le due iniziative qualcosa in comune ci fosse.

Alla fine, l'occasione per fare due chiacchiere con la calma (molto relativa) dei junket festivalieri, has happened in Venice. Starting from The Hole, which marks a return to Dante film six years after the devastating confrontation with Warner Bros, who did his best to ruin a movie in his hands as Looney Tunes Back in Action, a project that would be perfect for the director, if only he were allowed to realize his own way. "The Hole", which should come out in Italy next March, is a sort of return to themes that Dante attended in the eighties: a fantasy film for children, including comedy, thriller and special effects. By this time, the flavor enhancer of 3D. Here, the transcript of the meeting, during which Dante himself to speak first. It should be noted that the interview was the day before the screening of the film at the festival, because this was expected on the penultimate day of the Festival. For Dante, a member of the jury, would be prohibited from speaking to reporters the day before the ceremony - and then all we had to interview him, so to speak, groping.

[The Hole] I have not even seen yet I in 3D - except once, and that was wrong with a soundtrack. This film has just been finished and this projection Venetian will be the first public screening ever ... we have not even done a preview, so I have no idea how go. It is a horror movie a bit 'retro ... a movie a bit 'eighties on a family, a mother and two boys, who are moving to a new city ... we do not know exactly why they had to move but there is a reason ... and find the new house, on the floor of the cellar door with a padlock. Any boy who belongs to a movie or reality, trying to open that door ... and indeed they do ... and I can not tell you what's inside.

I find it interesting that you've started working with Corman, then move to the majors - and now has returned to work as an independent. I am showing a little 'this path ...

say the decline of my career? (Laughs) I do not speak at all

decline. But yesterday morning Romero told me I made the same choice, to get a little 'creative freedom after working with the Universal ...

is exactly the point. I think any filmmaker with whom I had to talk today ... They'll tell you that if they make a movie with the studios ... the sentence is ... "Will be crushed." This essentially means that a number of management levels that tell you how to do or not do their films. And are not generally people who know more than you about how you make a film. So it becomes very frustrating. The good thing about being independent is that the film cost less and there is more freedom. When I did episodes of "Masters of Horror", the main objective of the series was that we could leave their work without interference ... there were no notes to write, preview ... there was only "doing the movie." And that's what makes who like movies: they want to express themselves. So, discover the atmosphere of the big studios, nowadays, is very restrictive ... and filmmakers gravitate to places where they can have more freedom to express themselves.

speak of 3D, the great hope of those months, but also something that makes the most expensive films. There is a risk that this push the industry even more in the hands of the majors?

No, not true. Ours is an independent film and did not cost much. When I suggested we do it in 3D producers have thought a bit 'up, have made two accounts, they realized that it was only a 20 per cent more than they would have to spend, and so have decided to accept. I think there will be more and more independent films shot in 3D - not so expensive ... There are issues related to post-production that cost more, but make the movie it is very similar to a normal, now that the cameras are small ... digital cameras. The cameras 3D were huge, uncomfortable, and the choice of targets was limited ... but now ... and I'm sure when we'll see "Avatar" will be a great film ... I tend not to see 3D as a limitation, I think .... give you a tool to tell the story.

This brings us to the next question. As a director, is there any difference in choosing the frame or organize a scene to shoot in 3D instead of a flat screen, or there are no substantial differences? Expressive poses no new problems as it did when he bought the film sound or color?

Well, in general the film, however, turns them into depth - set the scene and try to make an interesting picture composition ... when you do it in 3D are much more aware of spatial relationships between the characters and the drama that is taking place ... It's a little 'how to stage a play, because things move within a box, always well aware of where is the convergence of the eye, where the image is within the framework ... is in the foreground, behind it, is over ... and can do some very dramatic gestures with the way you set a scene in 3D. This film we made in 3D, knowing that in many situations it will be seen in 2D ... I prefer the 3D version that is in my head as I did, but when I see the same in 2D is fine .. Unlike so many films, it looks like a classic 3D movies, with stuff that is thrown at you all the time, that makes you think "this course was in 3D." This, I believe, is a regular movie.

The big change in the return to 3D today is that many established directors are attracted to it - instead of the fifties when, in practice, only Hitchcock had groped by half ... Certainly, Jack Arnold was a great, but it was not considered an author ...

Well, towards the end, for example, there were "Kiss me Kate," directed by George Sidney, "Hondo" directed by John Farrow ... large directors began to gravitate to 3D at the end of the cycle. But it was too late, had condemned the errors of 3D presentation ... most people did not want to go, he was headache, and had had many negative experiences that it just went to die. Here I think it will come out that the filmmakers are attracted to 3D. They may decide not to shoot in 3D because it is a decision ... is a tool, such as color, sound ... want to make the film in black and white or color you want to do? There are reasons to do things like that. And I think that 3D will be considered suitable for certain types of films and not others.

What do you think we should move this this time? Why this time almost all the most famous directors are concerned from the outset to 3D? It just depends on whether the technology is really mature?

technology has improved to the point that it is no longer an obstacle in making a film. You can make the movie you want without compromising the fact that the speed in 3D, as it once. It is also because there is a need to bring more excitement to the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to the movies. Especially in America, most people who go to the movies less than 25 years. To bring in someone more senior the room you have to give something extra. I think it was shown that many films cashing in proportion di più quando sono in 3D rispetto a quando sono in 2D.

Torniamo a "The Hole", un film che, per tua stessa ammissione, riporta ad atmosfere un po' anni Ottanta... genere fantastico, ragazzini protagonisti... è una scelta voluta di ritorno al passato?

Più che voluta e consapevole, si è evoluta in questo senso. Quando mi è stato data la sceneggiatura, ovviamente, ho detto: "Che? Un altro film di ragazzini ed effetti speciali? Non mi va di farlo". Poi l'ho letta ed era... buona . E... beh, i progetti li scegli sulla base della loro qualità. Di qualità non ne vedevo molta in altre sceneggiature che mi venivano proposte, e così... mi sono detto: "questa the know, I know you know it, know how to do it and I think we can get something. "Because I think that no director should direct a film that would see ... I think it's a way to hurt them - that's how come the movie ugly. You have to make movies that mean something to you, make sure that you are important. So I came on board e. .. I believe that falls in the great tradition of films I did in the eighties.

I know as a fan and a connoisseur of the great cinema of the past. What do you think of the initiative to add 3D to classic originally shot for the traditional flat-screen? I am not speaking of the Digital Animation course, because for those there, while on the virtual plane, the information to generate the second image ...

No, no, you mean the conversion. In fact I saw a test done to "Singing in the Rain," in 3D. E. .. we have not yet, some things are not yet in place ... but it was ... quite fascinating. It was a bit 'like ... Well, I think the first time I tried hashish ... and I screened a film I'd seen many times, my 16mm ... and everything seemed in 3D! And I thought: "I've never seen anything like it ... spectacular! Now I can review all the films that I enjoyed smoking this stuff and will be a blast!" Actually the thing I worked only a movie - after a while 'was ... Well, no, do not work that way. Anyway, after you do not remember. But ... But I think there will be converted to 3D movies ... "Casablanca" will be brought in 3D ... and I do not think it hurt them. I think it will be just another way of looking at them. For a test on "Singin 'in the Rain" was pretty impressive.

So it's not like the colorization of black and white film ...

No, no ... for there add ... with the colorization're adding another layer of decisions to decisions that were taken long ago. I decide that this tends to be purple . Do you understand? And then, when you look colorize the film, suddenly you start looking at the flowers in the middle and not the faces of the actors. The colorization is much improved, the quality is different - but there is always something wrong , is not the way the film was made. The 3D image is ... it's almost as if you were on the set while doing the movie ... is always the same movie, just goes deep. So ... Oh well, 'I'm sure the directors union have something to say but ... but I found it very interesting.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Get A Limo Licence

European Commission begins legal action against Italy for the allocation of student houses

Residence halls, the European Commission: Italy discriminates against foreign university

The European Commission has launched legal action against Italy, calling on its territory to prevent university students from other EU countries are discriminated against in the allocation university housing for the benefit of those in Italy or Italians live longest.
all started by an application to the EU Commission against the measure by which the province of Sondrio held a competition for the allocation of subsidized apartments to rent to college students "based on two discriminatory conditions: an Italian citizen and have resided in the territory in the previous five years. "
Today the Commission, come spiega una nota, invierà una lettera di costituzione in mora alle autorità italiane che hanno due mesi per rispondere, come prevede il primo passo della procedura di infrazione. Il Commissario responsabile per l'Occupazione e gli Affari sociali Vladimir Spidla spiega che "la libera circolazione delle persone è un principio fondamentale dell'Ue ed assicura che i cittadini non siano discriminati sulla base della nazionalità.
Un finanziamento degli studi concesso agli studenti sotto forma di agevolazione abitativa è un vantaggio sociale che deve essere garantito senza discriminazione nei confronti dei lavoratori migranti e dei loro figli. L'Italia - conclude il Commissario - deve modificare la sua normativa e deve rispettare il diritto alla parità treatment ".

Monday, September 14, 2009

03 Yukon Check Engine Light Came On

Five minutes with John Lasseter

In the parlance of journalism, film, a "junket" means organized marathon of interviews with paramilitary precision, during which the character of the moment is virtually nailed to a chair, a camera and microphone pointed her, and meet a set of interviewers who succeed in the armchair opposite. And camera operators are the same, so you save on preparation time lighting and framing. And the minutes for the meeting are counted: usually five or six, although in rare cases you can sneak an extra minute or less. It is the interview speed dating, there's just time to get to say a few words on the movie to a standard TV service a couple of minutes. In the words of a press office with whom I spoke in the days of Venice, is not not even a real interview, it is pure promotion.

There are those who submit to junket reluctantly, and get even more from the same five to ten ready-made answers to break away (just, you know, movies are the interviewers for 98% of the incompetent who can not come up with a decent demand not even to save his life) and who has become very good at exploiting the best time to be able to communicate something that gives at least to those who interviewed him, giving him the illusion of something personal.

John Lasseter I had met him several years ago to another junket, that for "Toy Story 2," and even then, in the seven minutes that we had a disposizione, mi aveva dato risposte articolate, interessanti e appassionate. E anche qui a Venezia, nonostante l'argomento non fosse strettamente un fim bensì il Leone d'oro alla carriera (sua e della sua Pixar) e un nuovo titolo di cui tuttavia non sapevo praticamente nulla, l'incontro è stato prezioso. Anche perché si è parlato di un argomento avviato qualche mese fa con Katzenberg , ossia il passaggio a 3D di film d'animazione concepiti, originariamente, per essere fruiti sul tradizionale schermo piatto. Le righe che seguono sono un junket , più che un'intervista, ma trattandosi di Lasseter mi sembra che valga comunque la pena di trascriverle.

In genere ci vuole una vita to get a Golden Lion. You've had it after fifteen years ... even if it is true that, in animation, fifteen years is a long time. How do you feel?

Receiving the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival was very exciting. I am particularly proud because they gave it to me only, but to me it's Pixar. This is the first time in history that the award is given to a study. Because we are one. We are not just a group of individuals, we study a . We work very closely and we are extremely focused in an effort to make good movies.

I am curious your initiative to make three-dimensional some of your films that are not initially been made in three dimensions. The fact that computer-generated allows you to have all the necessary information to make a 3D version?

Well, as we see it, we always film in three dimensions, which until now only looked at them with one eye closed. This is because inside the computer is really a three-dimensional environment in which we make all our films. The exciting thing is that since it is data, computer data, we can go back in, update your information to our current operating system. At that point we can produce another point of view inside the exact same scene. We have not changed only one thing in "Toy Story" or "Toy Story 2." It is exactly the same movie, only you can see it in 3D. It is also a fun, exciting, like a lot to me because people can again see "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" on the big screen, that is, in ways they had been conceived.

intrigues me very much the idea that the first move by John Lasseter, founder of Pixar, Disney once entered into, was producing an animated film after the traditional Disney itself, in the wake of Pixar's runaway success, he abandoned this system.

Well, the whole mia carriera si deve ai film di Walt Disney. Sono stato tirato su da artisti Disney, ho lavorato come giovane animatore agli studi Disney, poi ho cominciato a interessarmi di animazione al computer, cosa che mi ha portato nel nord della California. Ora, quattro anni dopo che la Disney ha acquistato la Pixar... non appena sono rientrato ho detto: "Faremo di nuovo un fim di animazione disegnato a mano", perché amo quella forma d'arte. L'obiettivo è fare un grande film, non importa quale mezzo si usi. La questione è intrattenere il pubblico. Ho chiesto a John Musker e Ron Clemens, due cari amici (e i registi di "La sirenetta" e "Aladdin") di tirar fuori un'idea: loro sono venuti fuori con questa fantastica nuova rilettura the frog and have called it "The Princess and the Frog." There is a very strong female character and is a return to the fairy tale, a return to musical, it's beautiful ... There are wonderful characters - both human and talking animals ... so ... has all the elements of a classic Disney movie. But it is brand new.

Since you mentioned the acquisition of Pixar by Disney, and then: what it is, today, Disney and what it is, today, Pixar?

study is not a building ... A study is made of people. Pixar Animation Studios has a group of filmmakers and animators who work there, as well as the Disney Animation Studios. Really, are different groups of artists, but both studies are directed by filmmakers - that's what we do. We are the filmmakers, but also those responsible for the studies and ideas are by these artists in the studio. There is a difference, and it is in tradition. Both studies are very proud of its tradition. Pixar is a studio that we started from nothing, founded to develop new technologies and has always made great films in computer animation ... Disney is the studio built by Walt Disney ... has never closed, has always made animated films. It is a great tradition and the artists who are part of it are enormously proud. And moreover This partnership moves up the bar: we we do at those movies made by Walt Disney, otherwise it makes no sense to bear the Disney name. I see it. And the "Princess and the Frog" is at that level. It's a great film.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pleurisy Or Heartburn

Ten minutes with George A. Romero

Among the interviews that I could record during the 66th Venice Film Festival, the George A. Romero was one of those who waited more impatiently. I got to meet him once before, several years ago, but we had talked about the film, "The Dark Half," as no contemptible was far from having the thematic richness of any chapter of his forty years saga of the undead.

Despite his belated return to the theme, "The Land of the Dead", had not really shown up to the expectations generated by the extraordinary original trilogy ("Night of the Living Dead," "Zombie" and "The Day of the Dead "), the next" Diary of the Dead "was the reaction among the new crop concerned and enthusiastic. And this "Survival of the Dead" - plus a sequel to "Diary" that one-sixth installment of the series - it sounded particularly intriguing for being the first zombie movie to be accepted in the official selection of Venice.

Hosted by the festival audience with pleasure even though perhaps without excessive enthusiasm, "Survival" is far from a perfect film, and certainly not standing to undermine the positions of an ideal ranking first in the series ... but full of intriguing ideas and variations on that promise for the next film developments are particularly striking. Some of which Romero was able to talk to me in the few minutes of conversation that the timing of the exhibition allowed us to get slaughtered, beginning with a western cut even surprising.

The genres almost always have significant potential metaphorical, especially when they are encoded as the western and horror. How did you get the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking them collide and recombine in "Survival of the Dead"?

do not know, sometimes capture the ideas on the fly. By doing this movie, we had a lot of freedom - I had the chance to say "hey, let's give him a bit 'western flavor" and is not nobody got to say "no." I am always looking for something that can give my film a slightly different cut. It is true that genres should be used as metaphors but, unfortunately, very often they are not ... I always try to do it, to find some element undercurrent that helps me to focus on the theme of the film. Very often I see that other directors do not. As for the metaphorical possibilities of the Dead and western, I guess some connection there is, there ... and I have talked to the designer and editor ... but it is not that we have worked consciously aiming for that. We had great location and talking with the costume, I told her: "Come on westerns, we make these kinds of cowboys." At the end of this work is also fun ... and be able to say "let's do this or let's do something." Because these are independent films and I can do it without losing control. For better and sometimes worse! (Laughs)

Despite many exceptions, generally tends towards the western individualism, while his zombies have always had a revolutionary significance, expressing the change and transformation. In this film, the characters most associated with the western strive to preserve the status quo at any cost, despite an apocalyptic scenario flow.

is a sea change, but these old enemies are not able to forget their enmity and continue to shoot each other instead of shooting them. The basic theme of this film. But the link that you have done is very interesting. Actually I'm a bit 'to the revolutionary element of the road after the first four zombie films ... somehow I feel I have closed that chapter, be returned to the first Night of the Living Dead and started over. This time I am much more interested in creating a set of rules e. .. explain my kind of zombie ... and also take out a human theme, at the same time. This to me is a film about war, about people who do not even remember what he started the war but continue to shoot him.

Just I thought that was the metaphor of the film more interesting. Since the days of "zombie", it is shown that, beyond the search for food, the living dead try to keep doing what they used to be dead to do it live. In this film, what you do is continue to shoot at us - it can be seen in the very last shot of the film. I found it interesting that the expression of the emptiness of most of human activity, here, focusing mainly on the uselessness of fighting each other.

is the theme of the film: people fighting each other until death and beyond. (Laughs) The theme is this. The characters go on an island, thinking that there will be more secure, and yet the island found that these two clans are constantly ... that are at war ever since. And do not stop.

Just now you mentioned the importance of having made this film independently, a bit 'as it had for the first series title. What has changed in forty years, in a film far from the control of large corporations?

in the sixties when I made "Night of the Living Dead", worked in complete independence, we were a group of young people who wanted to make a film that managed to pull up some money and they did . We had people around in a tie, any form of responsibility ... we promised to do a movie and someone gave us money. Now of course it's different, everything is more formal ... but in the last two films, "Diary of the Dead" and this "Survival", we had creative control over everything. So in that sense the experience is very similar. It was wonderful to be able to take a breath of fresh air ... when we did "Land of the Dead living "behind us and we had the Universal ... everything was great! And of course, eventually earned a considerable sum, but I always felt that my fans - I mean, my diehard fans - well, they said: "Ah, Romero has sold out to Hollywood ... Look, Dennis Hopper in the cast ... "I was being criticized for something that from my point of view was very good and fun ... And then, the way in which distributed the film ... I felt that should give a better distribution. These are some of the factors that played a role in the desire to return us back to make the film independently. The screenplay for "Diary" there since before we had to do "The earth "... and when We finished "The earth" we found some lenders are ready to go ahead and do it so we left. As regards the procedure ... then we had a different approach, we just go around asking for money. Today, of course, everything is more formal but as regards the act of making a film - apart from the fact that now I know more about how to move the goal - everything is quite the same as always. Sure, it's very liberating ... beautiful is not to be compelled to write a memo every time you want to change something. (Laughs)

Towards the end of the film, after some players have struggled to teach the living dead to feed on human flesh, the zombies devour a horse. Apart from the fact that development seems to open the door to a further chapter, the news further down a dividing wall between the living dead, and normal human beings. By the time the zombies, in addition to continuing their original activities from dead, eat human flesh ... which is now the difference?

Well, this is a theme I'm working on since the days of "The Day of the Dead" I started working on ... in essence, there are more contact points than differences. So what I would do - what try to do with this film and the next, if there will be a neighbor, is to set some 'rules, some differences, and make zombie more human. The goal is to bring the audience to sympathize with the point where the living dead - in the same way I do.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Going Away Card Sayings

Democracy "abnormal"

of Omid Firouzi

It will be on the ruins of this crisis is inevitable that the tidal wave will continue without fear his idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy, marked by freedom, autonomy ...
7 / 7 / 2009
For years we have been taught in schools and universities that the traits that disinguono a democracy is the freedom to think, to be able to independently choose their own paths of life with respect for others' ideas and the possibility of having the tools to make that choice. We have always said that those in power has the duty to hear all the voices that rise from the folds of society and the duty groped to interact with the contradictions and conflicts with the tools of political confrontation, even hard, and mediation. A democracy is that if the above thoughts, behavioral propensities, subjective aspirations and claims of politicians, even those of minorities are respected and deemed legitimate in some way. This we have always said. Today, looking at what happens in Italy, I wonder if anyone has the feeling of being in a true democracy.
Let us listen to examine three issues of great interest: employment, immigration and education.
As for the work nobody can deny that, in these times of crisis, widespread insecurity, due to new forms all'imporsi contract clearly discriminatory for most workers and a general markedly unequal distribution of wealth, leading many workers and unemployed people to demand better conditions of pay and payment of income can open up possibilities for human beings. Now faced with this question that the social reaction of government is one part of the attempt not even consider the emergence of new forms of work and exploitation, and then lesistenza the claim of new rights, and the other to attack the criminal law the strike. Delegitimize and criminalize the point.
On the ground things are a source of immigration to all. The security package, and especially the introduction the crime of illegal imigrazione establishes definitively the disinterest of government in addressing this issue with social policies and new projects of integration and autonomy while respecting the rights of migrants and urges that the strategy of criminalization and criminal use of the instrument and repressive. A policy which inevitably reproduces discrimination against thousands of people and a culture of fear, suspicion and distrust of the whole society. We come now to the facts of these days, Then we go to the issue of training.
been years since we presented our criticisms of the 3 +2 reform, desired note from the center-left, speaking of de-qualification of knowledge, liceizzazione and corporatization of the university. When the Gelmini and Berlusconi's government in general have revealed their plan has triggered widespread social context. Everything happened in broad daylight. We have expressed our concern about what seemed a real dismantling of public universities, given the consistency of the cuts and forecast the creation of university foundations and gave life to this legitimate concern with a legitimate complaint.
assemblies, parades like the one in Rome which was attended by hundreds of thousands of people, occupations and roadblocks throughout Italy have thus translated politically, without any violence and with determination, a legitimate social demand, which rose from all over the country.
We plan to build a public du adequately funded, where the protagonists are critical knowledge, culture and freedom of research "autonomous." All the service of our desire to know the contemporary social reality and why not, maybe be able to change. So we've said and done for months. And they claim as just and legitimate. The answer was obvious, predictable and in some ways "consistent." The deans and rectors, the same people who supported the struggle, they stopped talking to us as soon as we have denounced the interests and powers of the feudal barons in many universities. Came the first complaint, and the first officers when the mobilization was demonstrated in quality, retention and participation is not the usual excitement and ritual autumn.
The faculties have begun to clear the self-managed classrooms that for weeks have brought a wave of student participation in university life and the production and transmission of knowledge and some principals have begun to deny authorization to perform self-training conferences and seminars. Matter of public policy we were told. Finally, when the struggles of students and researchers have begun to interact with other furniture throughout the area, when in fact we began to understand that the formula "multitudinous" that had characterized the Wave movement could be an important wealth to spend on different terrains struggle and demands, So it's timely stroke of the sword of the leviathan.
"We do not have a girlfriend at the level of evidence but the individuals arrested were previously able to participate in the G8 protests all'Acquila" This says the motivation by the prosecutor in Turin. So here again the tried and tested formula. Do not recognize the existence of a social conflict, ignore it and then turn it into a matter of public safety and order and finally hitting some random criminalize some specific goals in people who have made it emerge. Hit the "bad" to intimidate "good". Divide where the networking of the differences had been a strong point. Producing social alarms and public enemies to mystify reality.
E' questa la strategia del governo per affontare una crisi economica e poltica che sta mettendo in discussione le basi stesse di una democrazia sempre più logorata, sempre più violentata, sempre più anomala.
Niente piagnistei però. Sarà proprio sulle rovine di questa crisi inevitabile che l'Onda Anomala porterà avanti senza paura la sua idea di democrazia, all'insegna della libertà, dell'autonomia e della partecipazione vera di tutti alla vita sociale del paese.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hentei Lord Of The Ring

Peppe Mariani: "Without the right to housing is not right to study"

ROMA, 8 LUG - Pieno sostegno all’occupazione abitativa degli studenti dell’onda. - è quanto fa sapere in una nota Peppe Mariani, Presidente della Commissione Lavoro, Politiche Giovanili, Pari Opportunità e Politiche Sociali.Appena mi hanno avvertito sono andato in via fortebraccio al quartiere Pigneto dove gli studenti hanno occupato. Questa azione denuncia lo stato di grave difficoltà in cui vivono gli studenti di questa città. Nonostante i tentativi della stessa Regione Lazio di calmierare gli affitti per garantire il diritto alla casa agli studenti, – continua Mariani – il mercato immobiliare rimane una giungla selvaggia costituita da affitti in nero ed inaccessibili. Questa situazione fa sì che i giovani non ottengano mai l’autonomia e l’indipendenza dalle proprie famiglie. Senza il diritto alla casa viene precluso anche il diritto allo studio, soprattutto per gli studenti fuori sede.In particolare – Mariani continues - I learn that the building occupied today, a privately owned, and remained in disuse for more than 10 years in a district like Pigneto, a symbol of unbridled speculation. For this reason - Mariani-ends not only support the protest and denunciation of the students, but I will ask to set up a table of negotiation between the individual himself, the municipality of Rome and the Lazio Region, in charge of the primary right to education, the right to home and social rights for students. On this front has been done too little. E 'key to listen to students wave to start a season of stronger policy on these issues.

Property Management Walk Through Form

born POINT BREAK - Students occupied by Crew Press

The student-occupied Crew OndaRoma
Today, July 8, 2009, in the middle of the afternoon hundreds of students from the Wisdom of the CREW project in Onda has occupied an abandoned building for nearly ten years to make a living space for students : the birth of the students occupy Point Break, in Fortinbras 30 in Pigneto; employment that takes place in a neighborhood populated by migrant students and forced to pay 300 or 400 € for a small room, crossed by streams and evening youth from different cultural experience and social.
Today we launch the campaign "50 euro may be enough", and therefore we say that now is only the beginning and that we are not willing to pay more for a room!
Excellent response of the neighborhood, the people of the street applauded the initiative, students are leaflets throughout the neighborhood explaining the reasons for the action.
E 'was convened July 10 to Friday 18 hours a public meeting at the new job. Today
19 hours - social drink

occupation of Point Break Wave Crew
Point Break is a response to the crisis that strikes for months on the living conditions of young people, students and temporary workers. Point Break was born in the folds of the Wave, in the wake of the movement that, starting from the universities and schools, was able to field real opposition to the policies of the university divestment and school. Point Break is a response to widespread insecurity that grips the lives of young people, the inability to have access to income, education, happiness. Point Break is the reappropriation of space to make a new trial, an attempt to build a new welfare system from the bottom up, from the production of common resources, imagination, intelligenza.Point Break is a response to unsustainable rents, who calls us guests and make us pay 500 € per month. Point Break is a response all'Adisu and its inability to meet the needs of students within and outside the home. Point Break is a response to the Government of Wisdom and his mad plan for building looking to replace the university to private speculation in rents. Point Break is against the rent, vacant buildings, empty houses and the house plan that the government wants us to sleep in the veranda of condoned genitori.Point Break is the highest point of the Wave, that of breaking the patterns that we want visitors, temporary workers, illegal immigrants. Point Break is now Pigneto, a neighborhood youth, multicultural and open, but will soon be all over the city. Point Break is now a student self-managed, shared, born from the desire for autonomy of young students and temporary workers Wave Roman. A stable tear and returned to the speculation città.Noi we put our minds, i nostri desideri e cinquanta euro al resto è responsabilità delle istituzioni!
C.Re.W. - Sapienza in Onda
Block G8 Liberi/e Tutti/e

Monday, July 6, 2009

Malpractice Complaint

wave of solidarity of Wisdom in Onda. Occupied by the Rector to protest against the arrests

Nella notte tra il 5 e il 6 luglio, le forze dell’ordine sotto il comando della Questura di Torino hanno perquisito e arrestato 21 persone: 12 a Torino, 4 a Bologna, 3 a Padova, uno a Milano e uno a Napoli. Inoltre, è stata fatta irruzione nel Centro Sociale Askatasuna di Torino e alla Festa di Radio Sherwood a Padova.Azioni intollerabili e intimidatorie, coperte dal ministro razzista Maroni che promette il g8 più pacificato nella storia di questo summit. Azioni contro chi ha inondato le strade, occupato le università, bloccato il traffico, per rivendicare i propri diritti contro le politiche folli di questo governo. Azioni contro chi ha contestato il g8 dei rettori delle università in modo determinato ed intelligente. Questa notte, nella settimana di contestazione al g8, un giorno prima dell’arrivo dei grandi, si decide di far scattare l’ennesima azione di Police to crack down on those who decided not to submit to the logic of efficiency and economy in the university as imposed in our lives.
The living body of the university, the struggles and insecurity on education does not stop! So today in Rome, as in Venice and Bologna, the academies are dealing with force and power requires a clear stance against the universities arrests, the criminalization of the movement of the wave and the closure of the spaces of freedom and dissent.
All this happens within a framework of continuous and widespread criminalization of acts of intimidation against movements on Saturday, in fact, stati perquisiti tutti i pullman ed i treni che cercavano di raggiungere Vicenza per partecipare alla manifestazione indetta contro la costruzione della base americana. Il giorno successivo, in occasione della fiaccolata che chiedeva verità e giustizia sul terremoto, L’Aquila è stata letteralmente militarizzata attraverso l’istituzione di check-point e l’obbligo di mostrare i documenti.…Se avete deciso di non farci dormire venendo nelle nostre case, nei nostri luoghi, arrestando i nostri compagni durante la notte, allora avete deciso di non dormire più neanche voi!


Onda Sapienza_in

Friday, July 3, 2009

Canon 70 - 200 Front Element Replacement

for a new welfare state against the crisis - Inquiry into the dossier and home

Download the file here in pdf Crew Onda "For a new anti-welfare crisis"

Index file:

Intro and the first part:
- Inquiry into the rents and housing conditions of black students in the metropolis (page 2)
-Social conflict within the Roman students (page 3)
-A new welfare than the right to education (p. 5)
- Speculation and annuity , change in land and rents in black (p.6)

Second part:
- Wave to a new welfare state against the crisis:
- Access to culture (p. 8)
- Home (pag.9)
- Reddito e nuovo welfare (pag.10)
- Nuovo welfare contro il debito (pag.12)

Scarica qui in pdf l'inchiesta sul tema della casa a cura di Crew - Questionario - Surf the crisis,belong to Crew!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blood Donation Menstrual

30/06 C.Re.W. in Onda PARTY - Faculty of Political Sciences (La Sapienza)

h11:00 (sala professori)

dibattito con Lucia Annunziata

h 17:30 (sala professori)

sono invited to participate in all movements of struggle for housing, communities, regions and universities.
Dancehall 21 h from the crisis
Manlio + + + Black Son CarmRoots and Roots Melody sound system

Welfare, House and income for all *

Here is the call to all faculty in Onda
"After the G8 Turin: the relationship between media and movements"

We decided to build this meeting, as students of the Wave, a Following the extraordinary period in Turin, where thousands of students from across Italy have reached Turin to challenge the G8 University Summit, organized by the Italian Rectors. Following that event, our enthusiasm, resulting from having built a unique and shared experience of collective struggle, was mingling with a strong indignation produced by the reading of newspapers: a unanimous chorus of condemnation, by the Courier in the Republic until Manifesto , has tried to distort the facts, to divide the wave, consolidation good and bad, to establish labeling policies so silly as inattuali.Col hindsight, we all know that the strategy of the mainstream press has run empty: 's wave in all the universities, and shared publicly claimed that he practiced, using the tools of the independent and social networking to return the true facts. The same organizers of the Summit presidents have had to admit their responsibility for building a summit devoid of any legitimacy, awkwardly trying to justify them as a "lack of communication." A few days later it was announced that the G8 Science, provided per il 22 giugno a Monza, era stato annullato per timore di ripetere gli stessi errori.Resta però aperto il problema della stampa italiana e del rapporto tra questa ed i movimenti sociali: quella stessa stampa che erge barricate quando il Presidente del Consiglio la definisce eversiva e che comprende, giustifica, a volte addirittura elogia, i fenomeni di insubordinazione quando questi accadono al di là dei confini del nostro paese - vedi Repubblica sulla rivolta in Grecia, sui sequestri dei manager in Francia e di recente sulla rivolta iraniana - e che condanna e criminalizza invece ciò che accade in Italia. Un problema aperto, che si ripropone ogni qual volta gli assetti di potere, in un paese come il nostro, a democrazia bloccata, vengono messi in crisi not from internal strife to the same institutions, but the opening of new conflicts constituents. We want to discuss this with Lucia Annunziata, a journalist who, after the events in Turin, was one of the few dissident voices.

for a new welfare - Presentation of draft C.Re.W.

Again La Sapienza becomes space for public debate and open conflict with the institution and the realities that animate the city of Rome. An appointment, to Tuesday, June 30th to Sc Policies, which will see the presentation of the project C.Re.W. (House Income Welfare), born from the congregation of university and living in the Faculty in Wave of Wisdom. A project of self-investigation and theoretical reflection about the possibilities of building a movement from the real answer to the crisis.

House, Income and Welfare: three issues that keep in mind the close interdependence between the university and city, with the first one that makes it alive, rich and productive second. Interdependence
that exploits the student and the young in general as evidence to gain more wealth, in terms of it have less protection and guarantees, is subjected to a series of unavoidable costs that go to in the processes of speculation and rent which is based largely on economic citizen of input. We wonder

So what are the roles and responsibilities that the University in funding a real possibility of access to housing at fair prices, and low to ensure a vital social and economic rights such as housing, within a system of welfare, that instead of putting people at the center is increasingly constrained and based on "family".

The debate about the possibility of new forms of welfare welfare becomes central at this time of economic crisis: This is the possibility of access to wealth on an individual basis and do not care, responding to the need for a life of economic independence and not sottoposta al ricatto continuo di chi sfrutta e specula sugli studenti.

Le rivendicazioni di Crew in Onda cercano di ripensare un nuovo modo di contrattazione sociale come una possibile via d’uscita dalla crisi economica.
Un nuovo Welfare contro il debito: debito formativo, prestito d’onore, rendita , speculazione e dipendenza economica dalla famiglia infatti, sono gli scenari che si aprono come ipotetiche vie d’uscita dalla fase di recessione e di crisi del welfare state.
E’ interessante notare infatti come le risposte istituzionali sembrino rivolgersi in unica direzione: scaricare la crisi verso il basso attraverso l’istituzione di una nuova centralità del debito individuale. Dal debito in ambito dei courses of study and training, debt in order to access a university education increasingly disqualified, passing the debt to his family.

In our opinion, the answer to the economic crisis should instead go for a redefinition of the overall welfare of our country, from the need for autonomy and independence of an entire generation, bringing value to those that are instances of 'Wave and movements in general.

Pokemon Battle Revolution Free Rom

C.Re.W. Wave to the G8 in the crisis

The G8 will take place in a few weeks is part of L'Aquila in our opinion, a very particular context. In fact, we are witnessing these weeks a progressive unmasking of political crisis management by the Government, the ISTAT data on unemployment and productivity, to the alarm of Confindustria - certainly no friend of the movement - the need for measures against the real crisis, what seems clear is that the inaction of Berlusconi and Tremonti on reforms of the welfare and the more general response to the crisis is not paying at all. Neither in terms of consensus in terms of either efficacia.Se first few months over two hundred thousand temporary workers have lost their jobs on the other hand we see a decline in 2009, the retirement pensions. That is to say that the growing insecurity youth falls oltre che sui giovani sulle loro famiglie, costringendo i padri a lavorare di più per tutelare i figli e in definitiva riducendo a zero le possibilità di indipendenza e autonomia dei giovani nel nostro paese. Non c’è possibilità di autonomia e indipendenza infatti, in un paese in cui l’unico ammortizzatore sociale è la pensione dei nonni o lo stipendio dei genitori.

Welfare non familista, formazione, libertà, cittadinanza per tutti, autonomia per i giovani ci sembrano essere, come studenti dell’Onda romana, le priorità di fronte alla crisi globale, non di certo le nuove politiche securitarie e razziste del governo, non di certo l’illusione di poter risolvere la crisi attraverso the simple construction of a media device . The king is naked, we would like to say this! This is opposite to the global crisis and is facing the crisis of Abruzzo. The decision to move the summit in Aquila, is a further attempt to build consensus through the creation of a stage, to highlight the work of government and obscure their movements that they are putting on the territory of L'Aquila in the political crisis. The government tries to resolve its crisis of legitimacy and consent by placing the G8 meeting in a city earthquake, naively believing they can normalize the territory aquilano.Gli thematic meetings of the G8 have been the focus of their strong objections from those subjects offered at the center of social and economic crisis by government policies. Temporary migrant workers have challenged the G8 students displaced from their experiences and regional specificities. Just to exploit this ability to mobilize widespread and deeply rooted in the territories, in workplaces and universities, we have chosen to participate in the protest and widespread dislocation of the G8, from the specific locations of conflict that we have built as a wave during the year . Draw a map and define the crisis, the country's economic and institutional, highlight the nodes around which defines the inability of the government of globalization from the territories and productive places, this is the challenge which concerns the day of the summit and try to collect as much in Vicenza, in Rome that Aquila. We'll do it with the conviction that the time has come to draw a new path, made of passions, desires, collective construction of a common future through the struggles and conflicts, rather than through the repetition of old patterns useless and outdated. Rise to the occasion in front of this G8 summit is to understand what a major crisis in the midst of global dislocation and direct decision of the social movements, this is not a simple answer to the G8, but the possibility of a construction common alternative reale.Pratica autonomy and independence movement to revive the form, location and widespread protest in front of the G8 crisis, we believe that this is the path to be traced, so we will be alongside Aquila committees who are struggling every day in the Abruzzo region, supporting their choices and practices challenged the g8.Un path that will lead us to the next movement No dal Molin July 4th and we will build the Roman date of July 7 and 8 together with the entire network no g8. At the same time we will be in L'Aquila, in the delegation, called the candlelight vigil on the night between 5 and July 6 by the local committees to seek truth and justice on the earthquake, and participate in the forum proposed by the July 7 Network 3 & 32.
We will not pay for your crisis!

Wisdom Wave - C.Re.W

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Inventions For Elderly

housing policies do not exist and the Italian Constitution

edited by Caramel R Manyara (Lab of self-reform ADISU Mandrione)

One of the most challenging facing charges are a college away from home is usually that of ' accommodation. If you do not have a scholarship or a place to be occupied by an entity for the right to study, then often has to bear the economic costs indifferenti.Non not know what is the reality in the various Italian provinces, so we will just mention the present situation in the home that we frequent, partly because, for better or for worse, is our city: Rome, the capital, the great metropolis and the numerous public and private universities. As for students, besides the residents, there are thousands of commuters and made off. Made off clear the need to take a rented accommodation, the ADISU has a reduced number of beds: 1.300.Da only here you can understand the situation they face unbearable that many students are forced to pay ridiculously high rents because the great the owners of housing takes advantage of the high demand and short supply at the same time. And all this adds a large number of immigrants, both regular and irregular, even these people find housing and often are also willing to pay rents high, then using the fact that will live on the premises along with compatriots even more desperate, who sublet a bed. The great quest of the poor. Many tenants are taking advantage of this situation and force students to pay the rent in black. According to numerous surveys show that only two out of 10 students regularly enter into a contract! And the rents are the same very high: an average room, nothing but flat, costs € 500 per month, while a double to get to 350 €! Tax evasion tenants well over million euro per year! E the beauty is that the rents to students is required in a contract agreed rent which can not exceed € 10.3 per meter quadrato.Ma none of the students know! But can such a situation? E 'tolerable we speculate that the private sector? It 'possible that our system does not ensure an inviolable social rights?

As stated in our Constitution (which for some private sense there has it) the state must ensure the greatest possible number of citizens with a social right, which is precisely what the home. It is one of the inviolable rights man, recognized and guaranteed in Article 2 of the Constitution, and finds a recognition expressed in art. 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 11 of International Covenant of economic, social and culturali.L 'home is undoubtedly' s importance in the life of every man, a primary resource that must be adequately protected and concreto.La home is the place where you meet the family ; the individual grows in it. Young people who want, need to form a new family to have a house to make a close connection between loro.Per this, the Constitution art. 47 provides that the Republic should support the right of ownership, with measures to help those most in need to have a property in the property and then making these rights in practice. On several occasions the Constitutional Court said that falls between the missions of the Republic, to promote access to housing for the most vulnerable citizens. The difficulty of having a home is in fact one of the concerns which the government must provide effective responses, particularly through the plans affordable housing and popular. References constitutional right to housing "is the art. 2, 3 and 32. In fact, the legislative policies on housing are based on the protection of the inviolable rights of the person, that protection is closely linked to the tasks that the state has to remove obstacles to economic and social order. The charter of values, citizenship and 'integration' s April 2007 viene affermato “L’Italia è impegnata perché tutti possano fruire di una abitazione adeguata ai bisogni della propria famiglia e a costi ragionevoli".

Monday, June 22, 2009

Subject Of Thank You Email

"I lived in the student's home, demanding justice"

Si chiama Giada,è della provincia di Pesaro,e la notte del 6 aprile 2009, era a L’Aquila. Abitava nella Casa dello Studente (quella che la sera del sisma si è trasformata in un cumulo di macerie), ma quando c’è stata la terribile scossa delle 3.30, Giada non era ancora rientrata perché era a casa di amici per una spaghettata. Si è salvata per caso: “La ragazza che abitava nella camera di fronte alla mia -ricorda Giada- non è stata altrettanto fortunata ed è morta”.
Giada, come tantissimi students enrolled at the University of L'Aquila, turned lawyer Floro Beveridge, regional president of an association of consumers, to get justice for himself and the boys are gone.
"I ask for justice, we students had reported several times-Jade-emphasizes the appearance of some cracks on the walls. We have always said that we should not worry because the structure was earthquake-proof. " So far, the lawyer
Beveridge is following forty students who have decided to lodge a complaint-a complaint with the goal of identifying the responsibilities of those who "underestimated the recommendations of students about the many anomalies in the House Student. "
In particular in the complaints-complaints are referred to the reporting by the students of the "appearance of large patches of damp in one of the pillars of the mess hall that had caused the fall of the plaster and the leakage of water poured on floor. Instead of taking the measures stated in the complaint-lawsuit-the column was wrapped with tape red and white. "
Added to this is that the students survived have lost their books, teaching materials, personal effects and that the lessons have been suspended.
Jade is recognized in the Science of Investigation, Bachelor of Science Education, plan to stay in L'Aquila because it is hard to find the same course in another university.
Not only that students must try to recover the deposit of 450 € each of them had to pay before entering the student's home.
"Unfortunately, Beveridge said attorney-breakdowns it was announced. The cracks were already present before 3:32 on April 6, before the shock and tragedy of kids. "
For students, the pillar of which is discussed in the complaints filed was the Achilles heel of the building, reported how many times managers House of the student, however, questioned by police, denied this.
The evidence is there because it was found a map rescued by a student who becomes a proof against those who have helped to create the earthquake collapses "..

Why Body Produces Too Much Blood

[Free on The Auteurs] "The Housemaid" (Hany, 1960) They changed the face

Just a few lines to indicate that in these days, the website "The Auteurs
" can be seen streaming in a restored print of this film
of which I had never heard of and who should enjoy several
frequenters of this group.

Directed by that Kim Ki-young and considered a real home
classic, "Hany " is a melodrama / noir horror with veins that could be described as a
Series B version of "The servant "Losey.
protagonist is a music teacher with a wife and two children starts at home
a maid rather sexy and very determined to take all
what turns to take. And no, I do not speak of objects or money.

spectacular black and white, some scenes of eroticism and alluded
stylized, evocative atmosphere and strong able to overcome quite a few simplifications
the narrative (especially the ease with which certain characters are
manipulate even when they seem
have a choice). It takes a bit 'of good will to overcome
first twenty minutes, before the mesh with each other - but worth the wait.
Around al minuto 71 c'è un momento abbastanza agghiacciante che
ovviamente non spoilero. Anzi, non dico altro: da vedere a chi sa
apprezzare noir morbosi, femmes fatales , amours fous distruttivi e

Quanto al sito che ospita lo streaming , chi non lo conosce ancora è
invitato caldamente a esplorarlo. Nato con la complicità della Criterion
e di Scorsese ("Hanyo" è uno dei film restaurati dalla sua fondazione,
fra l'altro), The Auteurs si propone come sala cinematografica
virtuale specializzata in cinema di qualità e d'autore. I film
seen streaming from time to time by paying an amount between 2 and $ 5
(or nothing when, as in this case the proposal is free) and although
yet the catalog is relatively brief, the idea is
finally launch the next inevitable step in the home version of the film.
is the expected moment of abandoning the concept of support
physical mass in the transition from old tapes to DVD
not repeat, I think, with the attempted upgrade from DVD to Blu-Ray. The movie at home
we will see them, I believe, with systems like this -
eliminating distribution costs and finally, hopefully, having a market where, thanks to
network, will become profitable catalog also take
obscure titles that, like this " Hany " could hardly have
sell DVD copies of such a nature that an issue.

If you register, you find yourselves ... I have just begun to explore the mechanism
the site, which also has its own small size and up to this summary
by Social Network.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Poem To Put In A Card With Money

The minimum wage in Europe

by Sandro Gobetti (social researcher, editor of the magazine Infoxoa, creator and curator of research and essays on European models of welfare and transformations of work. In charge of research and study for the guaranteed income in the Lazio Region, Report and communication coordinator BIN)

A comparison of different models of minimum income between Italy and Europe

in Belgium is called the minimax is an individual right, it guarantees a minimum income of 650 € those who do not have sufficient resources to live. It can benefit anyone, even those who have just stopped receiving unemployment benefits. In Luxembourg, the minimum revenue Guarani, is called a universal law, have an individual "to achieve a better personal situation." The amount is € 1,100 per month. In Austria there is Sozialhilfe, a guaranteed minimum that is added to support for food, heating, electricity and rent for the house. In Norway there til the Stønad livsopphold, literally "existence of income, paid on an individual basis without condition of age, with a monthly payment of over € 500 and cover accommodation costs and electricity. In Holland it is called Beinstand, is an individual right and goes to rent support, transport for students, access to culture. Also in the Netherlands is the Wik, an income of € 500 for the artists to "enable you to have time to do art."
So, without doing the rounds of all the European countries, there is a clear distance from Italian that Europe, which addressed the issue of social protection and guaranteed income.
are different forms of intervention so that today we can speak of 4 different models: the European center, which sees countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands such forms since the seventies of the twentieth century, the Anglo-Saxon model, which in its specificity dictated by the constraints MEANS test, which some call real form of control over individuals earners, the Scandinavian, which provides a wide range of social interventions including income support is a cornerstone.
And finally, the Mediterranean model, in which Italy and Greece are the only two countries in Europe not to have any form of minimum income. Spain has also started a national debate that goes in the direction of proposing forms of social income.
Not to make the shape of the outside world, it must be said that these forms of social protection, all have some contradictions. The fact that many of these models have turned welfare into workfare, in which there is an obligation for the beneficiaries to accept any job pena la sospensione del benefit, porta con se alcune conseguenze come quella di nutrire una grossa fascia di lavori a bassa qualificazione. In questo senso, ad esempio in Belgio, si sono definite delle forme di congruità, in cui un beneficiario del reddito minimo può rifiutare il lavoro offerto se non è congruo al suo inquadramento professionale precedente o alla sua formazione; una sorta di riconoscimento delle competenze acquisite che frena il ribasso professionale e salariale. Così come il means test di fattura inglese, rischia di essere più una forma di controllo che di assistenza sociale. Bisogna però dire che il sostegno al reddito, le forme di protezione sociale, permettono tempi di vita sicuramente diversi e permettono ai cittadini di affrontare his daily life in a far less urgent and oppressive.
The theme of the guaranteed income, minimum, basic citizenship is one of the centrality of the international debate. Last but not least, Bolivian President Evo Morales, puts it as one of the key reforms, so that is establishing a law that guarantees a minimum subsistence to all people over 60 years and for a country like Bolivia, this is more good news .
The issue then is the central ones. The new social guarantees in the face of changes in production and labor market, the issue of job security and rights at work and more work, the issue of redistribution of wealth, the fight against new forms of poverty back strongly in the general debate. Even Romano Prodi, in newspapers, raised the idea of \u200b\u200ba minimum income of citizenship, and after the experience of the bell, even the Lazio is preparing a law that goes in the direction of formalizing a guaranteed social income.
The debate on this issue through different environments, economist Tito Boeri proposes a basic income compared with more flexibility, others such as Van Parijs Guy Standing revived years or a basic income for all production as well as recognition of the formal labor and the creation of a model of active welfare from a new idea of \u200b\u200bleisure.
not least the social movements in recent years, with the mayday, the national events per il reddito per tutti e con lo sciopero generale e generalizzato dello scorso novembre, pongono la questione dei diritti sul lavoro e oltre il lavoro: verso la rivendicazione di un reddito garantito.
Nessuno sotto questo punto di vista è stato fermo e questo tema attraverso l'Europa intera. Eppure il rischio è che proprio la politica stenti a dare risposte immediate. Il rischio è di diluire il tema in rivoli infinitesimali, mentre il mercato risponde con i 4x2 per il rilancio dei consumi, con i finanziamenti fino a trentamila euro anche per chi è pignorato, suggerisce di accedere a forme di credito per acquistare il telefonino o pagare la vacanza, la lavatrice o il mutuo di casa. Il rischio di una risposta del mercato alle nuove esigenze emergenti produces a 'junkie economy and a population under constant blackmail, in addition to the precarious employment, the low-wage, even the money, or rather, the interest, to return. In Italy there is a good percentage of people because they often use debt financing to meet their daily lives.
Eurostat also sounded the alarm and warned "that without massive social protection interventions, Italy, with its 11 million poor people, likely in the coming years to see 42% of the population remain below the poverty line."
According to Eurostat (2005 data) Italy spends to combat unemployment 0.4% of GDP against an EU average of 2.2% and 3% della sola Germania; per i giovani disoccupati con meno di 25 anni il tasso di copertura, di sostegno al reddito, è dello 0,65% italiano contro il 57% del regno Unito, il 53% della Danimarca ed il 51% del Belgio (dati ItaliaLavoro) e questo malgrado sia aumentata in Italia la zona grigia di chi, tra gli under 25, non cerca più lavoro, non fà formazione, non và più a scuola: oltre 800.000 giovani. Questo dato è aggravato dal fatto che se tra il 1991 e il 1997 la probabilità per un giovane di trovare lavoro a tempo indeterminato era del 40%, oggi si è ridotta al 25%. Secondo una ricerca della Provincia di Roma (2006), la nostra capitale, a confronto con le altre grandi città europee, è l'unica to be active in the youth unemployment rate in comparison to employment opportunities. To summarize the data, (La Sapienza University on INPS data, 2006), 15% of precarious work in a national capital, 48% are women and 70% of these complaints do not get to earn more than the € 10,000 'year.
The theme of the guaranteed income and is therefore a central theme from the European experience can be reformulated and relaunched as action against the blackmail of insecurity, a way to reject that contract underpaid just offered an emergency brake and the economic hardship of million people, a real help to the families of working poor who bear witness to the impossibility to make ends meet, a way to capture slices of time in favor of greater autonomy can open new opportunities to make new training, new skills, to enter the labor market not only through the choices and obligations. From this point of view forms the basis of current income in many European countries, which also should not be read as the panacea for all our ills, seen here seem to be a fairy tale.
It calls for pragmatism, not only to respond to changes in our contemporary world, but because the issue of guaranteed income in Italy, could make us feel a little less European citizens to Serie B.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Students' income and corporate representation AFAM ask

After the reforms kills Conservatories and academies, the increase in fees for students, employees pay cut accessory, the Government, in a deafening silence, forgetting even the finance necessary to survive. No money on the contract, no financing reform, on further cuts in funding bringing the Fund to greater levels of suffering in the past. A sector that should otherwise be a source of pride for this country is in net economic and financial difficulties and risk chiusura.In more insult not to take advantage of any institutional representative bodies, the students ask for concrete action-INCOME-E Consider for a system that sees knowledge as speculation and company profit. Following the release of Student * AFAM Elections / Laziodisu farce of the board and full solidarity of the students of the students who shared with his brothers level art and music search for a new development model, auoriforma the right to education, a free knowledge and the incessant demand of income. On June 17, 2009, elections were held for student representation in the CDA and the list of regional Laziodisu dell'AFAM Lazio, * STUDENT * AFAM received 111 votes of 147 votes cast by the institutions of higher education, recording a great political victory.
A great achievement of unity and compactness which underlines once again, what we claim for some time, the equal dignity and rights with university students, even if numerical minority but as a pinnacle of artistic culture, music and dance of the country.
The apparent discrepancy is a high quality system such as that dell'AFAM can never have the same numbers of the university because of its peculiarities and it would be silly to think so. This electoral rules and penalizing the votes compared dell'afam all'univerità denied by 111 votes in a CDA member, assigning students to be students dell'AFAM series B and it can never be represented.
In our industry there have never been party-list but only lists of intent we do not want to have to choose between the emanations of the national parties. Although structurally
minority believe that democracy can not be the dictatorship of the majority, but osmosis and contamination of the meeting of thought and diversity. We will continue to demand accessible tables, a special public housing for artists and musicians, an income of training including ensuring an integrated system of services and grants in money, but above all access to culture, which contribute significantly.