Sunday, June 28, 2009

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C.Re.W. Wave to the G8 in the crisis

The G8 will take place in a few weeks is part of L'Aquila in our opinion, a very particular context. In fact, we are witnessing these weeks a progressive unmasking of political crisis management by the Government, the ISTAT data on unemployment and productivity, to the alarm of Confindustria - certainly no friend of the movement - the need for measures against the real crisis, what seems clear is that the inaction of Berlusconi and Tremonti on reforms of the welfare and the more general response to the crisis is not paying at all. Neither in terms of consensus in terms of either efficacia.Se first few months over two hundred thousand temporary workers have lost their jobs on the other hand we see a decline in 2009, the retirement pensions. That is to say that the growing insecurity youth falls oltre che sui giovani sulle loro famiglie, costringendo i padri a lavorare di più per tutelare i figli e in definitiva riducendo a zero le possibilità di indipendenza e autonomia dei giovani nel nostro paese. Non c’è possibilità di autonomia e indipendenza infatti, in un paese in cui l’unico ammortizzatore sociale è la pensione dei nonni o lo stipendio dei genitori.

Welfare non familista, formazione, libertà, cittadinanza per tutti, autonomia per i giovani ci sembrano essere, come studenti dell’Onda romana, le priorità di fronte alla crisi globale, non di certo le nuove politiche securitarie e razziste del governo, non di certo l’illusione di poter risolvere la crisi attraverso the simple construction of a media device . The king is naked, we would like to say this! This is opposite to the global crisis and is facing the crisis of Abruzzo. The decision to move the summit in Aquila, is a further attempt to build consensus through the creation of a stage, to highlight the work of government and obscure their movements that they are putting on the territory of L'Aquila in the political crisis. The government tries to resolve its crisis of legitimacy and consent by placing the G8 meeting in a city earthquake, naively believing they can normalize the territory aquilano.Gli thematic meetings of the G8 have been the focus of their strong objections from those subjects offered at the center of social and economic crisis by government policies. Temporary migrant workers have challenged the G8 students displaced from their experiences and regional specificities. Just to exploit this ability to mobilize widespread and deeply rooted in the territories, in workplaces and universities, we have chosen to participate in the protest and widespread dislocation of the G8, from the specific locations of conflict that we have built as a wave during the year . Draw a map and define the crisis, the country's economic and institutional, highlight the nodes around which defines the inability of the government of globalization from the territories and productive places, this is the challenge which concerns the day of the summit and try to collect as much in Vicenza, in Rome that Aquila. We'll do it with the conviction that the time has come to draw a new path, made of passions, desires, collective construction of a common future through the struggles and conflicts, rather than through the repetition of old patterns useless and outdated. Rise to the occasion in front of this G8 summit is to understand what a major crisis in the midst of global dislocation and direct decision of the social movements, this is not a simple answer to the G8, but the possibility of a construction common alternative reale.Pratica autonomy and independence movement to revive the form, location and widespread protest in front of the G8 crisis, we believe that this is the path to be traced, so we will be alongside Aquila committees who are struggling every day in the Abruzzo region, supporting their choices and practices challenged the g8.Un path that will lead us to the next movement No dal Molin July 4th and we will build the Roman date of July 7 and 8 together with the entire network no g8. At the same time we will be in L'Aquila, in the delegation, called the candlelight vigil on the night between 5 and July 6 by the local committees to seek truth and justice on the earthquake, and participate in the forum proposed by the July 7 Network 3 & 32.
We will not pay for your crisis!

Wisdom Wave - C.Re.W


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