Thursday, June 25, 2009

Inventions For Elderly

housing policies do not exist and the Italian Constitution

edited by Caramel R Manyara (Lab of self-reform ADISU Mandrione)

One of the most challenging facing charges are a college away from home is usually that of ' accommodation. If you do not have a scholarship or a place to be occupied by an entity for the right to study, then often has to bear the economic costs indifferenti.Non not know what is the reality in the various Italian provinces, so we will just mention the present situation in the home that we frequent, partly because, for better or for worse, is our city: Rome, the capital, the great metropolis and the numerous public and private universities. As for students, besides the residents, there are thousands of commuters and made off. Made off clear the need to take a rented accommodation, the ADISU has a reduced number of beds: 1.300.Da only here you can understand the situation they face unbearable that many students are forced to pay ridiculously high rents because the great the owners of housing takes advantage of the high demand and short supply at the same time. And all this adds a large number of immigrants, both regular and irregular, even these people find housing and often are also willing to pay rents high, then using the fact that will live on the premises along with compatriots even more desperate, who sublet a bed. The great quest of the poor. Many tenants are taking advantage of this situation and force students to pay the rent in black. According to numerous surveys show that only two out of 10 students regularly enter into a contract! And the rents are the same very high: an average room, nothing but flat, costs € 500 per month, while a double to get to 350 €! Tax evasion tenants well over million euro per year! E the beauty is that the rents to students is required in a contract agreed rent which can not exceed € 10.3 per meter quadrato.Ma none of the students know! But can such a situation? E 'tolerable we speculate that the private sector? It 'possible that our system does not ensure an inviolable social rights?

As stated in our Constitution (which for some private sense there has it) the state must ensure the greatest possible number of citizens with a social right, which is precisely what the home. It is one of the inviolable rights man, recognized and guaranteed in Article 2 of the Constitution, and finds a recognition expressed in art. 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and art. 11 of International Covenant of economic, social and culturali.L 'home is undoubtedly' s importance in the life of every man, a primary resource that must be adequately protected and concreto.La home is the place where you meet the family ; the individual grows in it. Young people who want, need to form a new family to have a house to make a close connection between loro.Per this, the Constitution art. 47 provides that the Republic should support the right of ownership, with measures to help those most in need to have a property in the property and then making these rights in practice. On several occasions the Constitutional Court said that falls between the missions of the Republic, to promote access to housing for the most vulnerable citizens. The difficulty of having a home is in fact one of the concerns which the government must provide effective responses, particularly through the plans affordable housing and popular. References constitutional right to housing "is the art. 2, 3 and 32. In fact, the legislative policies on housing are based on the protection of the inviolable rights of the person, that protection is closely linked to the tasks that the state has to remove obstacles to economic and social order. The charter of values, citizenship and 'integration' s April 2007 viene affermato “L’Italia è impegnata perché tutti possano fruire di una abitazione adeguata ai bisogni della propria famiglia e a costi ragionevoli".


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