Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blood Donation Menstrual

30/06 C.Re.W. in Onda PARTY - Faculty of Political Sciences (La Sapienza)

h11:00 (sala professori)

dibattito con Lucia Annunziata

h 17:30 (sala professori)

sono invited to participate in all movements of struggle for housing, communities, regions and universities.
Dancehall 21 h from the crisis
Manlio + + + Black Son CarmRoots and Roots Melody sound system

Welfare, House and income for all *

Here is the call to all faculty in Onda
"After the G8 Turin: the relationship between media and movements"

We decided to build this meeting, as students of the Wave, a Following the extraordinary period in Turin, where thousands of students from across Italy have reached Turin to challenge the G8 University Summit, organized by the Italian Rectors. Following that event, our enthusiasm, resulting from having built a unique and shared experience of collective struggle, was mingling with a strong indignation produced by the reading of newspapers: a unanimous chorus of condemnation, by the Courier in the Republic until Manifesto , has tried to distort the facts, to divide the wave, consolidation good and bad, to establish labeling policies so silly as inattuali.Col hindsight, we all know that the strategy of the mainstream press has run empty: 's wave in all the universities, and shared publicly claimed that he practiced, using the tools of the independent and social networking to return the true facts. The same organizers of the Summit presidents have had to admit their responsibility for building a summit devoid of any legitimacy, awkwardly trying to justify them as a "lack of communication." A few days later it was announced that the G8 Science, provided per il 22 giugno a Monza, era stato annullato per timore di ripetere gli stessi errori.Resta però aperto il problema della stampa italiana e del rapporto tra questa ed i movimenti sociali: quella stessa stampa che erge barricate quando il Presidente del Consiglio la definisce eversiva e che comprende, giustifica, a volte addirittura elogia, i fenomeni di insubordinazione quando questi accadono al di là dei confini del nostro paese - vedi Repubblica sulla rivolta in Grecia, sui sequestri dei manager in Francia e di recente sulla rivolta iraniana - e che condanna e criminalizza invece ciò che accade in Italia. Un problema aperto, che si ripropone ogni qual volta gli assetti di potere, in un paese come il nostro, a democrazia bloccata, vengono messi in crisi not from internal strife to the same institutions, but the opening of new conflicts constituents. We want to discuss this with Lucia Annunziata, a journalist who, after the events in Turin, was one of the few dissident voices.

for a new welfare - Presentation of draft C.Re.W.

Again La Sapienza becomes space for public debate and open conflict with the institution and the realities that animate the city of Rome. An appointment, to Tuesday, June 30th to Sc Policies, which will see the presentation of the project C.Re.W. (House Income Welfare), born from the congregation of university and living in the Faculty in Wave of Wisdom. A project of self-investigation and theoretical reflection about the possibilities of building a movement from the real answer to the crisis.

House, Income and Welfare: three issues that keep in mind the close interdependence between the university and city, with the first one that makes it alive, rich and productive second. Interdependence
that exploits the student and the young in general as evidence to gain more wealth, in terms of it have less protection and guarantees, is subjected to a series of unavoidable costs that go to in the processes of speculation and rent which is based largely on economic citizen of input. We wonder

So what are the roles and responsibilities that the University in funding a real possibility of access to housing at fair prices, and low to ensure a vital social and economic rights such as housing, within a system of welfare, that instead of putting people at the center is increasingly constrained and based on "family".

The debate about the possibility of new forms of welfare welfare becomes central at this time of economic crisis: This is the possibility of access to wealth on an individual basis and do not care, responding to the need for a life of economic independence and not sottoposta al ricatto continuo di chi sfrutta e specula sugli studenti.

Le rivendicazioni di Crew in Onda cercano di ripensare un nuovo modo di contrattazione sociale come una possibile via d’uscita dalla crisi economica.
Un nuovo Welfare contro il debito: debito formativo, prestito d’onore, rendita , speculazione e dipendenza economica dalla famiglia infatti, sono gli scenari che si aprono come ipotetiche vie d’uscita dalla fase di recessione e di crisi del welfare state.
E’ interessante notare infatti come le risposte istituzionali sembrino rivolgersi in unica direzione: scaricare la crisi verso il basso attraverso l’istituzione di una nuova centralità del debito individuale. Dal debito in ambito dei courses of study and training, debt in order to access a university education increasingly disqualified, passing the debt to his family.

In our opinion, the answer to the economic crisis should instead go for a redefinition of the overall welfare of our country, from the need for autonomy and independence of an entire generation, bringing value to those that are instances of 'Wave and movements in general.


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