Monday, June 22, 2009

Subject Of Thank You Email

"I lived in the student's home, demanding justice"

Si chiama Giada,è della provincia di Pesaro,e la notte del 6 aprile 2009, era a L’Aquila. Abitava nella Casa dello Studente (quella che la sera del sisma si è trasformata in un cumulo di macerie), ma quando c’è stata la terribile scossa delle 3.30, Giada non era ancora rientrata perché era a casa di amici per una spaghettata. Si è salvata per caso: “La ragazza che abitava nella camera di fronte alla mia -ricorda Giada- non è stata altrettanto fortunata ed è morta”.
Giada, come tantissimi students enrolled at the University of L'Aquila, turned lawyer Floro Beveridge, regional president of an association of consumers, to get justice for himself and the boys are gone.
"I ask for justice, we students had reported several times-Jade-emphasizes the appearance of some cracks on the walls. We have always said that we should not worry because the structure was earthquake-proof. " So far, the lawyer
Beveridge is following forty students who have decided to lodge a complaint-a complaint with the goal of identifying the responsibilities of those who "underestimated the recommendations of students about the many anomalies in the House Student. "
In particular in the complaints-complaints are referred to the reporting by the students of the "appearance of large patches of damp in one of the pillars of the mess hall that had caused the fall of the plaster and the leakage of water poured on floor. Instead of taking the measures stated in the complaint-lawsuit-the column was wrapped with tape red and white. "
Added to this is that the students survived have lost their books, teaching materials, personal effects and that the lessons have been suspended.
Jade is recognized in the Science of Investigation, Bachelor of Science Education, plan to stay in L'Aquila because it is hard to find the same course in another university.
Not only that students must try to recover the deposit of 450 € each of them had to pay before entering the student's home.
"Unfortunately, Beveridge said attorney-breakdowns it was announced. The cracks were already present before 3:32 on April 6, before the shock and tragedy of kids. "
For students, the pillar of which is discussed in the complaints filed was the Achilles heel of the building, reported how many times managers House of the student, however, questioned by police, denied this.
The evidence is there because it was found a map rescued by a student who becomes a proof against those who have helped to create the earthquake collapses "..


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