Sunday, June 21, 2009

Poem To Put In A Card With Money

The minimum wage in Europe

by Sandro Gobetti (social researcher, editor of the magazine Infoxoa, creator and curator of research and essays on European models of welfare and transformations of work. In charge of research and study for the guaranteed income in the Lazio Region, Report and communication coordinator BIN)

A comparison of different models of minimum income between Italy and Europe

in Belgium is called the minimax is an individual right, it guarantees a minimum income of 650 € those who do not have sufficient resources to live. It can benefit anyone, even those who have just stopped receiving unemployment benefits. In Luxembourg, the minimum revenue Guarani, is called a universal law, have an individual "to achieve a better personal situation." The amount is € 1,100 per month. In Austria there is Sozialhilfe, a guaranteed minimum that is added to support for food, heating, electricity and rent for the house. In Norway there til the Stønad livsopphold, literally "existence of income, paid on an individual basis without condition of age, with a monthly payment of over € 500 and cover accommodation costs and electricity. In Holland it is called Beinstand, is an individual right and goes to rent support, transport for students, access to culture. Also in the Netherlands is the Wik, an income of € 500 for the artists to "enable you to have time to do art."
So, without doing the rounds of all the European countries, there is a clear distance from Italian that Europe, which addressed the issue of social protection and guaranteed income.
are different forms of intervention so that today we can speak of 4 different models: the European center, which sees countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands such forms since the seventies of the twentieth century, the Anglo-Saxon model, which in its specificity dictated by the constraints MEANS test, which some call real form of control over individuals earners, the Scandinavian, which provides a wide range of social interventions including income support is a cornerstone.
And finally, the Mediterranean model, in which Italy and Greece are the only two countries in Europe not to have any form of minimum income. Spain has also started a national debate that goes in the direction of proposing forms of social income.
Not to make the shape of the outside world, it must be said that these forms of social protection, all have some contradictions. The fact that many of these models have turned welfare into workfare, in which there is an obligation for the beneficiaries to accept any job pena la sospensione del benefit, porta con se alcune conseguenze come quella di nutrire una grossa fascia di lavori a bassa qualificazione. In questo senso, ad esempio in Belgio, si sono definite delle forme di congruità, in cui un beneficiario del reddito minimo può rifiutare il lavoro offerto se non è congruo al suo inquadramento professionale precedente o alla sua formazione; una sorta di riconoscimento delle competenze acquisite che frena il ribasso professionale e salariale. Così come il means test di fattura inglese, rischia di essere più una forma di controllo che di assistenza sociale. Bisogna però dire che il sostegno al reddito, le forme di protezione sociale, permettono tempi di vita sicuramente diversi e permettono ai cittadini di affrontare his daily life in a far less urgent and oppressive.
The theme of the guaranteed income, minimum, basic citizenship is one of the centrality of the international debate. Last but not least, Bolivian President Evo Morales, puts it as one of the key reforms, so that is establishing a law that guarantees a minimum subsistence to all people over 60 years and for a country like Bolivia, this is more good news .
The issue then is the central ones. The new social guarantees in the face of changes in production and labor market, the issue of job security and rights at work and more work, the issue of redistribution of wealth, the fight against new forms of poverty back strongly in the general debate. Even Romano Prodi, in newspapers, raised the idea of \u200b\u200ba minimum income of citizenship, and after the experience of the bell, even the Lazio is preparing a law that goes in the direction of formalizing a guaranteed social income.
The debate on this issue through different environments, economist Tito Boeri proposes a basic income compared with more flexibility, others such as Van Parijs Guy Standing revived years or a basic income for all production as well as recognition of the formal labor and the creation of a model of active welfare from a new idea of \u200b\u200bleisure.
not least the social movements in recent years, with the mayday, the national events per il reddito per tutti e con lo sciopero generale e generalizzato dello scorso novembre, pongono la questione dei diritti sul lavoro e oltre il lavoro: verso la rivendicazione di un reddito garantito.
Nessuno sotto questo punto di vista è stato fermo e questo tema attraverso l'Europa intera. Eppure il rischio è che proprio la politica stenti a dare risposte immediate. Il rischio è di diluire il tema in rivoli infinitesimali, mentre il mercato risponde con i 4x2 per il rilancio dei consumi, con i finanziamenti fino a trentamila euro anche per chi è pignorato, suggerisce di accedere a forme di credito per acquistare il telefonino o pagare la vacanza, la lavatrice o il mutuo di casa. Il rischio di una risposta del mercato alle nuove esigenze emergenti produces a 'junkie economy and a population under constant blackmail, in addition to the precarious employment, the low-wage, even the money, or rather, the interest, to return. In Italy there is a good percentage of people because they often use debt financing to meet their daily lives.
Eurostat also sounded the alarm and warned "that without massive social protection interventions, Italy, with its 11 million poor people, likely in the coming years to see 42% of the population remain below the poverty line."
According to Eurostat (2005 data) Italy spends to combat unemployment 0.4% of GDP against an EU average of 2.2% and 3% della sola Germania; per i giovani disoccupati con meno di 25 anni il tasso di copertura, di sostegno al reddito, è dello 0,65% italiano contro il 57% del regno Unito, il 53% della Danimarca ed il 51% del Belgio (dati ItaliaLavoro) e questo malgrado sia aumentata in Italia la zona grigia di chi, tra gli under 25, non cerca più lavoro, non fà formazione, non và più a scuola: oltre 800.000 giovani. Questo dato è aggravato dal fatto che se tra il 1991 e il 1997 la probabilità per un giovane di trovare lavoro a tempo indeterminato era del 40%, oggi si è ridotta al 25%. Secondo una ricerca della Provincia di Roma (2006), la nostra capitale, a confronto con le altre grandi città europee, è l'unica to be active in the youth unemployment rate in comparison to employment opportunities. To summarize the data, (La Sapienza University on INPS data, 2006), 15% of precarious work in a national capital, 48% are women and 70% of these complaints do not get to earn more than the € 10,000 'year.
The theme of the guaranteed income and is therefore a central theme from the European experience can be reformulated and relaunched as action against the blackmail of insecurity, a way to reject that contract underpaid just offered an emergency brake and the economic hardship of million people, a real help to the families of working poor who bear witness to the impossibility to make ends meet, a way to capture slices of time in favor of greater autonomy can open new opportunities to make new training, new skills, to enter the labor market not only through the choices and obligations. From this point of view forms the basis of current income in many European countries, which also should not be read as the panacea for all our ills, seen here seem to be a fairy tale.
It calls for pragmatism, not only to respond to changes in our contemporary world, but because the issue of guaranteed income in Italy, could make us feel a little less European citizens to Serie B.


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