Saturday, June 20, 2009

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Students' income and corporate representation AFAM ask

After the reforms kills Conservatories and academies, the increase in fees for students, employees pay cut accessory, the Government, in a deafening silence, forgetting even the finance necessary to survive. No money on the contract, no financing reform, on further cuts in funding bringing the Fund to greater levels of suffering in the past. A sector that should otherwise be a source of pride for this country is in net economic and financial difficulties and risk chiusura.In more insult not to take advantage of any institutional representative bodies, the students ask for concrete action-INCOME-E Consider for a system that sees knowledge as speculation and company profit. Following the release of Student * AFAM Elections / Laziodisu farce of the board and full solidarity of the students of the students who shared with his brothers level art and music search for a new development model, auoriforma the right to education, a free knowledge and the incessant demand of income. On June 17, 2009, elections were held for student representation in the CDA and the list of regional Laziodisu dell'AFAM Lazio, * STUDENT * AFAM received 111 votes of 147 votes cast by the institutions of higher education, recording a great political victory.
A great achievement of unity and compactness which underlines once again, what we claim for some time, the equal dignity and rights with university students, even if numerical minority but as a pinnacle of artistic culture, music and dance of the country.
The apparent discrepancy is a high quality system such as that dell'AFAM can never have the same numbers of the university because of its peculiarities and it would be silly to think so. This electoral rules and penalizing the votes compared dell'afam all'univerità denied by 111 votes in a CDA member, assigning students to be students dell'AFAM series B and it can never be represented.
In our industry there have never been party-list but only lists of intent we do not want to have to choose between the emanations of the national parties. Although structurally
minority believe that democracy can not be the dictatorship of the majority, but osmosis and contamination of the meeting of thought and diversity. We will continue to demand accessible tables, a special public housing for artists and musicians, an income of training including ensuring an integrated system of services and grants in money, but above all access to culture, which contribute significantly.


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