Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cell Respiration Mammal Vs. Reptile

Rome, the most expensive houses for rent in Italy to find a mirage

Daniel Auteri c2% b4italia-and-find-in-rent-and-a-mirage / 1654140

bricks as ingots gold. They are the ones used to build houses of Rome, the most expensive in Italy according to the latest UIL "Family, income, housing." Buying a house of 70 square meters in the capital costs on average € 424mila (6057 per square meter): 100 thousand more than in Venice, 130 thousand more than in Milan, almost double that of Florence. And if people enjoy themselves in the suburbs may be able to spend € 318mila, who loves the center has put together 584mila, quadrato.Insomma 8,350 per meter, the feared collapse of the housing market has just lapped the boundaries of the Eternal City because if in the second half of 2008 house prices fell by 0.3 percent compared to previous months, it is also true that just a year before - that is the beginning of 2007 - would be served in less than 20 thousand euro to be seen headed in the same house 70 meters quadrati.I vertiginous collapse of the U.S. market or the English arrive and then as distant echoes, to see why down the values \u200b\u200bof the homes have to move from town to the other capitals of Latin America as Lazio (average price € 130 thousand), Frosinone (100 thousand), Rieti (105 thousand) and Viterbo (94mila). Living in the capital becomes more and more a dream for a few often pursued focusing on housing for rent rather than purchase the house. According to a signed Tecnocasa rents higher nationally sono proprio quelli romani, che nella seconda parte del 2008 hanno reagito all´aumento della domanda di affitto di appartamenti, legata principalmente alla maggiore difficoltà di accesso al credito per acquistare una casa. Affittare un appartamento a Roma costa in media 1.656 euro al mese, rispetto ai 1.400 di Venezia e ai 1.020 di Firenze, le due città che la seguono in classifica. Il dato esprime comunque una media, che passa dai 1.260 della periferia ai 2.257 del centro.
Ma la rilevazione più significativa riguarda l´incidenza delle spese per la casa sul reddito delle famiglie. Mentre in Italia un nucleo di 4 persone spende mensilmente il 26,4 per cento del reddito, questa percentuale arriva al 63,9 per gli abitanti della Capitale.Si is an important part of town wealth invested entirely within the four walls of the home, means that we often difficult to manage family life. It is no coincidence that precisely in the Lazio region registers the highest number of evictions (4452, most of which are reported in Rome) against the 3168 or 2756 of Lombardy in Emilia Romagna. End of the scale, to make it even more heavily this budget, given the regional contributions in support of the rent. Compared to € 15 million allocated in Lazio - Report reveals the UIL - 30 are those provided by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 18 from Puglia, 8 to 11 from Trento and Friuli.


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