Thursday, June 11, 2009

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The call of the Italian immigration policy shift

a cura di
"Il problema dell'umanità è che gli stupidi sono strasicuri, mentre gli intelligenti sono pieni di dubbi". Russel Bertrand

Donne, Bambini, Uomini, rispediti in Libia direttamente dal mare, senza toccare terra

Secondo Roberto Maroni, quello che sta succedendo attualmente con la Libia "può rappresentare una svolta nel contrasto all'immigrazione clandestina. Un risultato storico... "Se l'operazione fatta oggi continuerà, il problema del contrasto tra Italia e Malta, sull'accoglimento dei clandestini, sarà risolto perché in qualunque acqua si trovino i barconi saranno rispediti in Libia da dove sono partiti". Sarebbe, secondo il ministro, "un nuovo modello di contrasto in mare di chi cerca to arrive illegally, "which" has nothing to do with asylum seekers: the illegal immigrants do not arrive on the national territory but are rejected at the border, assessing applications for asylum is not therefore for the Italian government ".

Can we really be proud of, I would add that they have taken back to Libya, in the port of Tripoli, without having touched the ground, children, women and men, there are ashamed we Italians are ashamed of our military who have had to follow orders given by the Italian government.
In Actually, every arbitrary transport is a very serious breach that in some cases threatens the lives of people, because often, however, have the right to asylum. "Move persone dall'Italia senza averle identificate e senza permettere l'accesso, per chi ne ha diritto, alle procedure sul diritto d'asilo - ha precisato De Filippi responsabile di Medici Senza Frontiere - è un comportamento illegale al di fuori di ogni legislazione nazionale ed internazionale».

Una scelta da riconsiderare affermano le Nazioni Unite affinché "il principio internazionale di non-respingimento continui ad essere integralmente rispettato". Anche perché la Libia non ha aderito alla Convenzione sui rifugiati del 1951 e non dispone di un sistema nazionale d'asilo efficiente”. Inefficace, pertanto, affermare di proporre in loco un ufficio per i richiedenti asilo.
Un risultato storico, afferma il ministro, ma se In May 2005 the European Court of Human Rights has condemned the forced repatriation of the procedures provided by the Italian government because they affect the right of asylum?

Well, the fact remains that these barbarities have become everyday life and also together with our addiction to these episodes of social and institutional racism.
inhumane behavior that did not spare even the soldiers of our three patrol boats which were ordered to take back immigrants at the port of Tripoli. But who were these notorious illegal immigrants? ... Men, women, some of them pregnant, and children asking for help ... "It 's the most infamous order I have ever done," says a reporter of a Republic of the military! "I followed orders but I am ashamed" ... we asked for help, they called us brothers ... do not ever tell my children what I did, I'm ashamed. "

Words that resonate in the vacuum left by women tired and sore from those children with big eyes and desperate ritrovatisi in hell from which they were able to leave ... and now other "rejections" and many more tomorrow, until ? A
nothing is worth thanking their God, to no avail to the entreaties of military patrol boats: pregnant women, mothers, children, men, no longer had the strength to rebel and then the orders were ones you could do ... and finally, separated women from men, perhaps in a shelter, and who knows if the echo of those desperate words, uttered by the rejected, on the quay, they will go to the heart and the minds of most Italians, "Italian brothers help us, do not abandon us." Already this today would be a miracle!

Gaddafi and Berlusconi, SHAME!


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